In a world where the impossible is possible, and the unseen have been seen, there lay a girl who was ever so innocent. Mind not corrupted, blood not spilled by her hands. She was the greatest treasure you could ask for. One bright evening, someone t...
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Quote of the chapter! Are any of you mad at Sehun for how dumb and not loyal he is? Because I know I'm mad at him, and yes I do know I had the choice of him doing that. Anyway on with the chapter!
Scarlett's POV
I woke up this morning with puffy eyes, although I didn't get much sleep, I'm really energetic today. I won't let Sehun get to me, we weren't exactly an official couple anyway. "Rise and shine sleep wolfs!" I yell in my bubbly voice.
Everyone always said I had an awesome singing voice. I'm not sure how, both my "parents" sucked, but I guess I got it form my real mom. Her voice is very soothing and calm. My voice was quite bubbly a lot of the time, it held a "power" to make people energetic, or at least that was what my old family used to say.
While grabbing plates of everyone's favorites, the smell woke them straight up. "Where the food at?" Evan says. Great English skills... or should I say.. Engrish? Okay, okay, I'm sorry! If you couldn't tell, I love k-pop with all my heart. I can turn almost anything to a k-pop inside joke. It's sad really, it's like falling down an endless rabbit hole...
There's a recent k-pop boy group, where there are boys consisting of my age are in. They're so popular, and I have a huge celebrity crush on one named Kim Kyungnim, but goes by Kyung. I never met him before, but I heard their group is coming to my school for 2 years, which is what I have left in school!
Their group is called KING8 because they seem like kings, and have eight members. They also go by KG for short, and the fandom name are called GOLDens. I've been their fan since the debuted which was 2 years ago starting tomorrow. The members include Kyung, Mino, Mingyu, Jackson, Joon, Jinwoo, Eugene, and Jun. All of them can speak fluent English, but Kyung and Jun have an accent when they talk. I am one of those people who ship the members with the other ones, but I don't ship my bias with anyone. I ramble a lot...
"Big sis?" I snap out of my fangirl imagination to see Molly waving her hand in my face. "Sorry, what?" I ask with a huge smile. "Okay then... anyway, where's the food?" She asks. "Oh, behind me. I put a blanket down so you don't have to eat on the bare ground." I say.
"She's in a good mood, funny how she was crying about that one boy just last night." Eli adds in. We all laugh for a while because of that.
***(time skip to when they're leaving to go inside to see if they passses and so on)***
We're next in line, waiting to see if I passed the test, and am all clear to being everyone with me.
"Next!" The guard says as we walk up. "Are you firm the school, do you have any teammates or anything, and where is your school ring they give you?" He asks me. "I am from the school, I have some kids I was entrusted to watch, the ring is right here," I say showing him the ring with the school crest.
"How many kids are there?" He asks. "Five, in total." I tell him. "Okay, give this to them-" he says handing me 5 rings with the school crest. "-and take good care of them. You're good to go." He tells me with a smile.