In a world where the impossible is possible, and the unseen have been seen, there lay a girl who was ever so innocent. Mind not corrupted, blood not spilled by her hands. She was the greatest treasure you could ask for. One bright evening, someone t...
What's it been, years?? I haven't updated in forever man! Now I'm finally updating, and jut a heads up, from here on it's going to be hunters training! I've dragged the book long enough, and now it's time to start the training! I hope you're all prepared, and excited or course! Enough blabbering time to start already! - ShadowsofOrpheus
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"These damn people making me do this. Who decided this crap?" I paused and though for a moment. "Oh right, my mom decided this! Real smart mom!" I yelled loudly even though she probably couldn't hear me.
Suddenly I hear a growl, and a loud one at that. I lift my jacket sleeve, and click a button that makes my arm turn into a weapon. You're probably wondering how I got myself in this position aren't you? I'll explain,
Ah, waking up to the fresh morning breeze on a summers' day. I get up to get ready only to hear something in the halls. "Good morning students! I hope your all having a fine morning, while it lasts at least. Today is the first day of hunters training! You have thirty minutes to get ready, or you will get forced to leave without anything! Good luck!" I hear my mom yell on the intercom.
Well, fuzzles. I waste no time as I grab a quick orange juice and eat some toast. Sehun eats along with me, we pretty much do everything in sync honestly. "Sehun, you take the bathroom first, I have quite bit of clothes to pack." I tell him, as he nods. We rush up and grab our backpacks with the school emblem.
for undergarments I pack three sport bras, seven panties, all rolled up to save more room. For actual clothes I packed three pants, ten shirts, three shorts, two jackets, and socks. For my toiletries and needs, I packed toothpaste, a toothbrush, a foldable brush and mirror, lip balm, and tissues.
For food I split it for everyone with only eighteen minutes left. Everyone got a small lunchbox with four water bottles - which they can get water when they can run out - and two extra drinks of their choice. They also got a protein pack, two granola bars, a banana 'cause why not, and some medicine.
For extra room I had, I brought a book to read there, a journal, two pens, tape, and of course a tent which somehow fit. How the heck did everything fit you might ask? I couldn't even answer that question, all I know is that this thing is heavy. Sehun and everyone else pretty much packed the same things. They all thanked me for packing the food for them.
"Everyone, packed or not, please make your way to the gate." We hear our vice principal's voice in the intercom. I grab my stuff including my foldable sleeping bag, and put everything on my back. After hurrying over there with some tramps cutting threw after seeing cute guys, I finally made it to the gates.
"Glad everyone's here. Time for instructions: all of you will individually be put into the worlds biggest forest. Keep in mind, the forest is known for their many animals and wolves. I expect you all to coke out alive, and some may die if they don't try." Everyone besides me started panicking with fear clouded over their eyes. I know that I have to do this, and if I'm gonna make it out alive, I'm going to stay strong.
"You will be in a helicopter and dropped down. Using the glovebands we have you, you will use that as a safe way down. Just click the button, and your arms or legs will turn into a weapon of some sort. Survival of the fittest, if you find someone else, survive with them! This is afterall, partly team effort! Start!" He yelled as all of us made our way to the helicopters.
I lined up at helicopter four, and went in immediately towards one of the seats. I placed the parachute on my back and tightly gripped my stuff. "I hope Sehun's okay... I pray I find him," I pray whispering silently. After only a few minutes riding, the pilot tells those of us in the helicopter, to jump now.
I quickly take a deep breath and jump. Making my way down I click the button on my gloveband, and keep the parachute in case I need it to make something. When I land almost on my face, I run north and find a lake almost off the bat. Sehun always told me I had a knack for finding these. I look through a bit more areas until I find a small clearing with a tree hideout.
I smile to myself thanking god I became this lucky. I quickly set up my tent and try and make a fire.
*Six hours later*
I managed to make a small fire in the time I had until dark. I hadn't come across anyone yet, and no animals were near me either. I was now dressed in velvet black and white shorts and a t-shirt. The only thing I ate was my banana, and only took enough water to get by. I looked at the night sky through a small clearing in my little hideout.
Before I don't get any sleep for the next morning to come, I go in my tent and zip it up, slowly slipping into my sleeping bag.
I get comfy as I hear the soft sounds of crickets chirping and sounds of a stream running. As I listen closely to nature, I let sleep overtake me.
Not long after, I heard a small howl just before sunrise. I grab the dagger next to me and wait a bit. I'm not an idiot enough to ask "hello? Is anyone there?" I don't do that. I've watched enough horror movies to know that those lines make you die.
Hearing clawing at the front part of my tent, I go out through the back and sneak up behind the wolf only to realize it was only a baby. Knowing I didn't have it in me, I picked up the baby and brought it in my tent.
I found out the baby wolf was only a few weeks old. Also finding out it's gender, I decided I'd name her Hazel, she had a beautiful brown color red streaks lined her fur. "Hazel" I called out smiling.
She looked up at me and tilted her head. Words cannot describe how adorable she was, I almost cried on multiple occasions. She loved eating flowers and fruits , of course not as much as meat, but she liked them a lot.
She ran over to me on her tiny paws. I heard another howl as I carefully placed her in this little pen I made with a cute blanket I brought. Walking outside of the tent, I saw a female wolf who had a pain in her eyes. I heard cracking and looked at the wolf until she became a human.
What. The. Hell. Just. Happened?! I questioned. "I don't have much time. My name is Emily, not long ago my daughter came here in wolf form. We're what you call werewolves, and although your supposed to hunt us, I want to just as a big favor for me." She explained completely naked.
I nodded my head telling her to ask the favor. "We got attacked by hunters not long ago, you seem like someone who at least has some good left in them. So here I ask, could you please take care if my daughter if anything happens to me?" Emily pleaded once more. "Hazel" I called out to her as she ran over to me. "That's a perfect name you gave her. I thank you for taking care of her, as I know it's quite the burden," she paused as she locked eyes with the little wolf pup next to me.
"When you grow up, I want you to protect the kind girl who will take care of you. Please do that for mommy?" She asked the little one. Hazel nodded quickly before putting on a cute wolfe smile. "In return for all the pups safety, our pack will follow you. The babies you may take care of will no doubt protect you when they grow up. Please, please, protect them." She begs once more.
How could I not protect these precious little balls of energy? "Lead me to your pack" I tell her. Although I'm not a werewolf - not that I know of at least - I know quite a bit about werewolves. After a bit of walking I see her pack. Hazel is nestled in a sweater in my arms, Emily is walking in front of me. I see so many dead werewolves and almost break down at the little children nudging the other wolves.