In a world where the impossible is possible, and the unseen have been seen, there lay a girl who was ever so innocent. Mind not corrupted, blood not spilled by her hands. She was the greatest treasure you could ask for. One bright evening, someone t...
Before this starts, I want to say that I do not own anyone in this story!! All their pictures belong to the respectful owners, I just made up KING8 myself, however, I'm using other groups mixed together AS KING8. On with the casting, I'll put names and groups before the character name!
ALSO I changed Joon, Jackson, and Jun to Eric, Ren, and haru (in order with names) On with the cast!
Group UP10tion:
Album picture: BURST
Members casting: Kogeol and Wooshin
Kogeol playing as Mingyu
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Wooshin as Jinwoo:
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Group: BTS
Members casting: V, Jimin, Rap Monster
V as Mino:
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Jimin as Ren
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