In a world where the impossible is possible, and the unseen have been seen, there lay a girl who was ever so innocent. Mind not corrupted, blood not spilled by her hands. She was the greatest treasure you could ask for. One bright evening, someone t...
^^ E/N: Music from editor The way you look at me-Christian Bautista It probably doesn't relate to the story a lot but I guess it kind of does.
A/N: This chapter was edited by 23kale , my cousin. She's an amazing person, so please check her books out! A dictionary is going to be put out after this chapter, and here is a picture of the school below. Now let's get on with the story!!
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As I wake up on the morning, I feel a cold breeze rush past me. I already know that means I wear something warm. Putting on my warm outfit, I go ahead and run to the kitchen to bake a nice warm batch of cookies, and make some peppermint coffee to start my day.
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I have the job of cooking for the females only, while Liam cooks for the boys. Making extra cookies, and bringing some extra soup bowls, I place the cookies and coffee in some bags. I put the soup bowls on the labeled seating areas, and write names on the bags. I eat my breakfast quickly and run out the door.
Feeling the ice cold breeze of the waves, I take a deep breath and drink my coffee. After ten minutes in the freezing cold snow, I get to my second class since our first one is tomorrow and extra long. I get inside and sit near the front of the class as the teacher starts. "Welcome to the second day of class, today we will try and summon sacred beasts!" He says happily. "Now, in order to summon sacred beasts I want you to take out your spell books," he pauses to take out the book "-and turn them to page sixty-three"
We all take out the book that's labeled 'spell book' real creative guys.. "Okay, now I want all of you guys to line up starting with..." he pauses again and looks around the room. "-Lilly Ends" Lilly goes up to the front of the class. "Not everyone is good at summoning sacred beasts, some of you won't be able to, but let's get started. Lilly read the spell at the top of the page, and does the simple sign language." Lilly nods and reads it aloud, "Lepieras Cantara sacred domains!" She says doing the sign language.
Dang, didn't know we were doing Naruto/Harry Potter moves.... suddenly a dove comes out of the book and lands on her shoulder. "Very good! Make sure to name her as well. Another reason we have sacred beast summoning in class today, is because this is the first step to finding your area." He explains. "Scarlet and Sehun, why don't you go at the same time?" He asks. I'm paired with him?? Wtf?? I have no choice, so I just nod it off and walk up.
"Lespieras Cantara sacred domains." we say in sync. Suddenly I see Sehun standing wide eyes and in front of me, what happened?? "Well this is quite the shock... umm let's scratch that off, awesome job both of you! Next person." he says nervously. What the heck just happened? We got through quite a bit of people before class ended. "Scarlet and Sehun, I want you to go to Scarlet's mom's office. She has to explain something to you both." We both nod and head towards lunch.
"That was really weird.. are you all right?" I ask Sehun while I walk with him to lunch. "I'm not sure... I'm just shocked I guess.." he says with his head down. I don't want to admit it... but he looks really good looking when he's sad... omg what have I turned into? "Yeah.. hope it's nothing major." I mention. "Same," he replies.
After a few more minutes of awkward silence, we get our food and sit down. We eat some Sinigang, which is like soup with meat and vegetables. It's a Filipino dish, and it's really yummy! After sitting down at our table, a girl comes up to us. "Do you mind if I sit with you? I'm new here, and I don't have any friends yet." She asks with a comforting smile.
"Knock yourself out. What's your name by the way?" I ask her. "I'm Tiffany, thirteen years old, and I have a panda sacred beast. What about you guys?" She asks as well. "I'm Scarlet, and over there is Sehun. He's fifteen and I'm fourteen. The sacred beast thing is.... complicated." I say awkwardly. "I see, it's alright if you aren't comfortable talking about it yet." She says reassuringly. I nod a simple thank you with a smile.
After another hour of talking to each other, I tell her we have to go to my mom's office. Once we get to her office... Sehun and I waited a bit before taking a deep breath and knocking. "Come in." she says. We walk in and gave her the note the teacher told us to give her, I think it explains our situation if I'm not mistaken. She raises her eyebrows and reads the letter.
"Your situation is quite... complicated. When you were summoning the sacred beast, we found out the one of you is an actual sacred beast." She explains to us. My eyes turn wide in shock. Humans can be that as well? How can he... "You're kidding right? This isn't a funny joke." I say, my voice breaking. "It isn't exactly something I would joke about, congrats though. How come you aren't happy?" She said. "I wanted him to be something.... something more." I say on the verge of tears. "He can be. You have nothing to worry about." She reassures me.
He walks over to me, and gives me reassuring hug. "It's going to be alright." He wispers in Korean in my ear. I nod because I understood what he said. My mom clears her throat. "Well lovebirds, Sehun considering how you're the sacred beast... you have to move in her room. You're also her partner as was explained in the first class. Go ahead and get some rest now." She smiles softly.
E/N: Well that was dramatic wasn't it? Well it 23kalecoming at you. Make sure you read on to see what happens next. What do you think Sehun might feel or Scarlet? Well it's ShadowsofOrpheus's story so ask her what's going to happen. I'm just the editor. We'll see ya later folks.