In a world where the impossible is possible, and the unseen have been seen, there lay a girl who was ever so innocent. Mind not corrupted, blood not spilled by her hands. She was the greatest treasure you could ask for. One bright evening, someone t...
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Please listen to Kelly Clarkson's Breakaway song on for this chapter.
I keep digging, letting the memories flow into my head for the great sister she was. We brought Jackson to his back to be buried as well, I regret not being able to save her. If I just stayed a bit longer, this wouldn't have happened.
Before I knew it, a sob escaped my lips. Rain was pouring down as if the Heaven was showing its sympathy. My hair and shirt was soaked, and if I got sick, I wouldn't give damn. She was always there, always knew when I needed help, watched over her siblings.
Molly was the butterfly that was always flying near us, helping us grow, and although she has passed on, she now flies above us, watching from above.
I completely dig out the grave, and put her favorite flowers she loved in the grave, covering the ground like a blanket. I put her small body on top of the flowers, careful not to drop her.
I place a flower crown on top of her head, and put her arms over her chest. Standing up, and digging all the dirt back on top of her, I say one last goodbye to her beautiful body.
I place a homemade grave stone by it, and run my fingers over the small words as the rain pours down more. I engraved the words myself, since I felt that it was the least I could do.
I sit by the grave, the full moon shining brightly over me, wrapping me like a blanket on a cold winter's evening. Bringing my knees to my chest, I wrap my arms around them and wait until morning.
Not getting any sleep at all, I get up from my spot next to the grave and head home. I step into my room, to see the other kids with no smile on their face. Immediately I'm spiked with tears in my eyes, struggling to hold it back.
"You're back." I hear Eugene come in. I nod, not finding any words in my throat. I go to my bedroom and grab some clothes to shower. Turning on the hot water, I step into the shower, crying once more.
I shouldn't cry, they say that crying is not weak, but a sing that says you've been trying too hard to be strong for too long. I slump against the wall, already finished with my shower, but afraid to get out.
After a good 20 minutes I get out of the shower and dry myself off. Grabbing my chopstick, I only apply that since I'm not afraid to show my pain. I change into my outfit, and dojt bother eating anything before I'm about to leave for school.
"Make sure to eat while I'm gone, alright? I'm sorry about Molly, I couldn't save her." They stare at me, I see the pain in their eyes, reflecting off their soft blue eyes.
'Scar... I know your going through a lot of pain, I am too, but Molly would want us to be strong. So keep your head up, okay?' She says, even though her voice is more of a whisper.
I sigh and nod to her. I open the door and see Jinwoo standing there. "Please move, I have to get to class." I whisper, looking down.
"This is pathetic. Scarlett, if you were the one that died instead of Molly, and she was in the same position you're in, what would you say?" He asks me, lifting up my chin so I can look directly at him.
"I-i would tell her to be strong. To not cry and take care of-of her s-siblings." I say, stuttering from being unable to get the words out.
"Exactly, so you need to woman up. We aren't children anymore Scarlett. Molly protected you, she protected her siblings. So instead of moping around because she passed, continue onwards and take care of the others who need you." He says, still blocking my way.
Truthfully, he's right. I'm scared to admit it, but I know Eli, Evan, Piper, even Hazel need me. Hazel's already a toddler, she saying words now, I have to be there for her when she grows up.
I nod, collecting myself. "Alright, let's get to class." I say as I hug Jinwoo. "Thank you." I whisper. He helped me, and although I can bring her back, the least I could do is keep her in my memory.
I'm going to find the son of a brat who killed Molly, and I'll take my revenge. I walk forward, and sit down in class, keeping my head high. As the teacher comes in and starts saying dumb stuff we learned the beginning of this year, a piece of paper hits my head.
I pick it up and read it, "Molly is only the beginning. Watch your back, because I'm coming after you. I'll slowly kill all your loved ones.".
My eyes widen, I scan around the room unsure of who could be the culprit. Suddenly realization dawns on me, he could be back. My older brother my other parents had before me. I never mentioned him because he left us when I was younger.
His name was Leo, my American nickname was named after him. He looks exactly like me, except with sharper and ma liner features. When I was younger, I said something that caused his whole school to dislike him.
Would he actually kill my family just because of that? There's no way...
I get up, leaving early. I couldn't care less if my teacher gets mad. What's he going to do, expell me?
I run to the my other little siblings to see them hanging out with Eugene since he doesn't have class for another hour. "I can watch them now, thanks Eugene." I say with a smile.
"No problem, just, don't overwork yourself, ok?" I nod as he walks out to do god knows what. (Any sick perverts out there, I see you. Y'all need some holy water if your thinking of something bad...)
"Guys... about Molly.." I trail off, attempting so say something even I don't know what.
"Big sis, we won't blame you for her death. She stayed strong to the end, and all though every day we'll miss her, I promise we'll stay strong." Eli says with a smile.
I almost feel tears in my eyes again. "Ugh, you're growing up too fast, Eli." I say and squeeze him into a hug.
"Let's visit your sister, shall we?" I say to them, lifting up Piper and Hazel. They all nod and get up.
We make our way to her grave by the hill, happy and sad to visit her again even if I just saw her. We stop right in forth of the grave I made for her.
I look over to see Eli with a sad smile, his eyes glassy. "Eli.. you can cry. It doesn't mean you're weak if you cry." I tell him. He nods, letting his tears flow. Staying strong at this age must be tough.
Suddenly a butterfly lands on all of our cheeks, it stops at me, landing on my hair. "Molly?" I whisper. She flies around me, in an excited pattern. I msule wide, knowing she's still here with us.
The others catch on, giggling away at her excitement. "Are you going back with us? I still need my perfect little sister how chose my outfits." I say keeping my eyes trained on her, as if I'd look away and she'd disappear.
I hold out my hand, so she has a form of communication. She writes in a flying pattern "yes". I smile even wider, if possible, I probably look like the joker right now, and she flies up to my hair, going still. She acts as if a hair ornament, and I go to though the wings, realizing it feels like metal.
"Let's go now, we have to eat lunch after all. Then we'll visit Jackson's pack to say goodbye to him as well." I say, grabbing Piper's hand. We do a mini skipping motion, back to the house.
Molly, we will miss you dearly, but wherever you are, you will always be with us. We all love you, our beautiful flower.
So, haven't updated in forever in this book. .BUT, don't hate me! I have my reasons! Im innocent!*dramatic hand movement*
Anyways, school just started up, and quite frankly, it's been torture. I just had a long weekend, so that's pretty great, but all good things come to an end, and school started up AGAIN.