Chapter Êight: Day 3, Everything's Alright

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A/N to clear things up, I did say that werewolves can't transform until their sixteen/eighteen, but Hazel was a special case. She's not the moon goddess or anything like that, I always think that's too cliche, but I won't say anything else for now! On with the chapter!

Chapter eight: Molly's POV

it was currently the day after I turned Scarlet into a werewolf, I tried convincing her to not turn, but she really wanted to. She woke all of us up at 7:15 sharp, and I'm still tired honestly. Hazel woke her up by crying, which in turn Scarlet decided to just wake us all up. I already know we'll have to explain to everyone - including Eli - why the heck she smells like a werewolf.

I walked out of the tent after getting changed, Scarlet told me the boys won't go in, and to just change in the tent while she guards the front entrance thing to get in. "I think you have some explaining to do, Molly Marie Everest." Eli says using my full name, oh shoot I know this ain't gonna be good.

"Yes, dear Eli?" I say smiling innocently. Just play it cool, Molly. "That won't work, now explain why big sis smells like a werewolf." He demands calmly. "She sort of..... asked me to turn her into one last night. I tried convincing her, but she said she really wanted to for our sake, and-" I was cut off my explaining when I heard Scarlet. "Alright kids, no more arguing! Get your werewolf butts over here before I make you!" She yells playfully.

She really does remind me of my mom. Always so bossy, but she always had a hint of playfulness when speaking to us. I miss my mom, she gave me comfort, I felt safe. However, nothing nappy lasts forever as they say.

*Scarlet's POV for a while*

I smiled when I saw the kids run towards me faster then lightning itself. I gave them some meat I hunted, and chuckled when I saw Hazel in the little highchair created by yours truly. Today I decided I would look for Sehun, I mean I haven't found him in forever.

"Kids, today we're going to look for someone I know, alright?" I ask them after they gobbled down their food at an insane speed. I look at all of them nodding their heads before Molly goes to clean up. Piper goes my up to me and puts her head down a bit for me to pet it. She loves when I pet her head, she told me her parents used to do that all the time.

"Big sis, who is the person we're looking for?" Evan asks me. He hasn't talked since I met him. "His name is Sehun, he is my sacred beast." I reply. I miss him, I haven't mentioned this, but I actually have a huge crush in him. Imthink he likes me as well, just the way he acts around me;

"Alright, do you want to help me pack Piper?" I ask her bending my knees to reach her height.  "Yeah I want to help!" She says running to me with her tiny legs."Eli and Evan, can you pack your stuff? I'm not sure if you comfortable with us packing things." I ask them. "Yeah sure, it helps you out as well." Eli says taking Evan's hand and bringing him to their tent;

Eli is like a big brother to Evan, and It's honestly so cute. I lift up Piper, and bring her to our tent to pack. I set her down gently, and put a backpack in front of her. "Alright, we need a first aid kit, umbrella, snacks, drinks, extra clothes, and... Milk and a blanket for Hazel, flashlights, hunting knife, and that's it." I tell Piper. I put the knife somewhere safe so she can't hurt herself.

***(time skip)***

"Is everything ready?" I hear Eli ask, and I turn my head from packing to answer him. "It is now," I answer, "Everyone here?" I ask looking around doing a head count. Emily left as soon as she introduced everyone. She told me she had to go in order to protect the kids, I don't know why she left honestly. I already know explaining me having all these kids is going to be tough.

"Alright, everyone's here. I'm carrying toe backpack, does anyone mind carrying Hazel?" I ask as Molly raises her hand. "I can do it, I'll make sure nothing happens." She reassures me. I just nod and hand her Hazel. We start walking talking a bit here and there. It's comforting having someone else with me.

***(time skip again, I'm sorry XD the laziness is taking over me)*** 

After hours of walking, and the kids taking turns holding Hazel, we come across this lake. While stopping for a bit a smelled something that reminded me of my own smell. It was Sehun's smell.

"Kids, I want you to hide behind this bush, I'm going to go see someone I know. I'll be back soon" I tell them as they nod. They trust I won't leave them. I excitedly walk through trees to find Sehun kissing some blonde's lips, not how I wanted to spend our reunion. 

My heart stops, and I feel tears threatening to fall. As everyone said, happiness doesn't last forever. I step back stepping on a twig, why should I be angry? We weren't dating anyway.

Scratch that off, I don't even care anymore. It just hurts so damn much. Sehun's head snaps up, his eyes meeting mine. His eyes widen as he excitedly shouts my name. I can barely hear anything but my heart racing fast. I turn around and run, faster then I ever have before.

I quickly hide behind the bush with the kids. "Everyone don't make a sound, alright?" I ask them calmly. They just nod as I hear Sehun calling my name repeatedly. My tears continue threaten to fall, but I hold them back so I don't appear weak. My eyes may sting, but I've felt worse then this before.

I hear Sehun sigh as his footsteps get quieter and quieter. After I can't hear or smell anything anymore, I grab the backpack straps tighter, telling everyone to run to the left. It may not be cheating, but it sure as heck did break my heart. 

"Everything is fine," I tell my myself quietly, only mouthing the words. We have tonight, and then tomorrow we go to the safe zone to finish the test.


So, did you like the chapter? Quite a shock to some of you right? I originally planned for them to meet and become a couple, but I wanted something different, as I felt like I was moving their relationship too fast. Next chapter coming soon, I already started writing it! - ShadowsofOrpheus 

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