Ash vs Clement

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"Wow serena that was amazing!!! Your pokemon are awesome!!!" Ash exclaimed.

"very impressive, I have to say I've never seen any pokemon quite like yours. Obviously your ninetails is alolan but even still..." clemont trailled off

"And your slyveon, I didnt know they could be blue. Your panchum is the only normal one of the bunch, even your alolan raichu looks different.  But your braixen, why does it look like that? HMMMMMM... you MUST let me study them and their moves while were on our journey!!! Here take these," clemont reached in his bag and pulled out 7 necklaces eack with microcomputers in them, "These necklaces have sensors that will let me measure all sorts of things, even your DNA!!!!!" Clemont was super excited to study serenas pokemon.

"uhhhhh ok. lol Sure why not,it'll be fun later on when you see what we can really do!!!"

"ooooh!!!! I'm so pumpped from watching your battle Serena!!! Clemont, lets you and I have a battle!!!" Clemont nodded in Ash's direction to let him know he had accepted his challenge. Slowly he stood up and walked to the far right end of the valley, leaving Ash about 100 yards in front of him. Serena had braixen burn a line in the center and boxes around the trainers and the field, making a makeshift battle arena.

"I'll officiate!!!" Bonnie chimed in. "This will be a one on one battle the battle is over whenever one side is unable to continue, any questions? No? OK then!!! release your pokemon and BEGIN!!!"

 "This will be a one on one battle the battle is over whenever one side is unable to continue, any questions? No? OK then!!! release your pokemon and BEGIN!!!"

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"alright chespin lets GO!" clemont released his pokeball into the air and in a flash of white light a small chipmunk looking pokemon appeared. He had green spikes as hard as steel atop his head and vines that pertruted from his back.

"Chespin!!!!!" the cute pokemon said with a determined look in his eye, he was ready to battle.

"Hehehehehe," ash chuckled under his breath, he lowered his hat and smiled before tossing a pokeball in the air.

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