And So It Begins

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Ash, Brock, and Serena were racing out into an open field.  They were close to the castle, and Serena was ready to fight.
As they were running a blast of fire struck the ground directly to their left knocking Brock to the ground.
"Brock! Are you ok?" Ash and Serena both exclaimed, tgey stopped and looked for the source of the blast.
"Magmar use firestorm!" They heard a team Rocket goon calling commands to the lava Pokemon.

 "Magmar use firestorm!" They heard a team Rocket goon calling commands to the lava Pokemon

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"Goodra use rain dance" Ash hurriedly tossed a pokeball in the air. With a flash of white light a giant purple dragon type Pokemon appeared. It was a soft lavender color with green colored spots on its tail and head and a dark purple stomach.

Goodra was dancing the second it's feet hit the ground and with her dance came huge black rainclouds

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Goodra was dancing the second it's feet hit the ground and with her dance came huge black rainclouds.
Magmar shot a glowing red ball of lava into the air and it erupted into millions of flaming fireballs. As the fire rain began to fall, goodras rain dance began to work as well.
The clouds clapped with thunder and lightning and water began to pour perfously. The rain began to extinguish the fire balls. It also hit the Magmar causing a huge amount of damage.
"HYDRO BLAST!!" Ash commanded.
Goodra let out a fierce battle cry before throwing her head back. A giant sphere of water began to form in front of her. It grew larger, and larger, and larger before she finally launched it towards the already weakened magmar. The move struck it's target head on and the Magmar was knocked out cold.
"Grrrr ... Magmar return! Garadose, dragon tail!!!"
The team Rocket thug tossed out a pokeball and a blue serpent dragon Pokemon appeared.

It's tail began to glow green and he launched himself towards Goodra

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It's tail began to glow green and he launched himself towards Goodra. Unaware of the oncoming attack goodra was hit square in the chest and knocked out.  "Uh Goodra return!"
"Ash go I got this!" Brock stepped in front of ash and Serena. "Get her to the castle!"
"Right!" Ash agreed. "Serena, let's go!"
Brock pulled a pokeball from his belt.
"Ludicolo go!!!"
A fun coconut duck looking Pokemon appeared. He was dancing and singing his name but looked ready to go.

 He was dancing and singing his name but looked ready to go

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"Hyper beam!"
A ball of golden light began to form and it shot toward Garadose.
"Dodge and use dragon fang!"
Garadose shot to the right missing a head on attack, but it wasn't fast enough to miss the move completely. It was hit in the tail causing a good amount of damage. It's speed was also reduced by the hit. Garadose fangs began to grow and glow as it shot towards Ludicolo, but with its reduction in speed , Ludicolo was able to dodge it with ease.
"Frenzie plant, followed by drain punch let's go!!" Brock shouted out a little too enthusiastically.
Ludicolo continued dancing but pounding it's feet this time around. As his feet hit the ground huge thorny vines broke through the surface and wrapped around Garadose draining it's energy and constricting it to the point where it could barely breathe. It was immediately hit in the face with a green glowing fist. The drain punch hit Garadose in the jaw draining what was left of its power.
It was already unconscious when Brock called out his next move...
"Use leaf storm." Brock had a dark look in his eye , he was taking it to the next level...
Ludicolo did as his trainer asked and threw a huge tornado of very sharp leaves towards Garadose. Since it was already unconscious it couldn't protect itself. One of the leaves slit the Garadose throat killing it instantly.
"Oh my god GARADOSE!!!!"
"You're next! Frenzie plant !!!"
The team Rocket goon found herself wrapped in the same vines that heald her beloved Garadose. She was in a great amount of pain as the thorns dug deeper and deeper into her skin.
Brock walked up to the team Rocket thug and ripped her mask off revealing her true identity.
"Miette, I knew it!" Brock said in a very quiet voice. "I knew it was you, I could tell by your barreling style.  After everything they did to you, your mother, your brother, your village, why???"
"You knew it was me and you killed my garadose?! How could you???"
"How could YOU betray us?!?! Don't play the victim here. You lied to us, you lead them to us, what ELSE did you tell them???"

 You lied to us, you lead them to us, what ELSE did you tell them???"

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Brock began punching Miette with every other word he said.
As he was hitting her she screamed out in pain. Over and over she felt the blows to her face until he finally ran out of steam. On the verge of unconsciousness, Miette began to speak. "They know what Pokemon you all have and they know how many of you there are and they know professor Oak is here. "
"You little bitch!!!" Brock said as he got a sudden burst of energy. He began to hit Miette over and over until she was limp and no longer breathing.
"Ludicolo return. " Brock put the Pokemon back in its pokeball and headed towards the castle.

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