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.hey loves thank y'all so much for reading my book!!! I'm so glad y'all are enjoying it. Unfortunately this story is coming to a close. I have a bunch of stories I've started already, just not sure which one to upload. So what I'll do is write a small summary and insert from each story and y'all help me decide which to publish😃

Poketales : Pikachus Story
This story is based on the fan theory that Ashs Pikachu had a trainer before him. It is told form Pikachus POV. In this story people can't understand Pokemon but we can 😉

'I remember everything. I remember the pain he put me through. The abuse. I vowed to never again become another humans tool for battling. I promised myself I would never let another human hurt me. I was brought to a man named Professor Oaks home when I  was just a Pichu. The professor raised me and promised one day I would be someone's partner.
He wants me to go with another trainer but I won't. I don't trust his judgement because he's the one who gave me to my first trainer. He lied to me. I wasn't his partner, I was his slave. I will not go through it again.
It's May 10th and my friends Squirtle Bulbasaur and Charmander were each taken by new trainers today. They all looked so happy. It's been 5 years since I was brought home, maybe it is time for a new what am I thinking!
Knock knock knock
"Why hello Ash. What can I do for you?"
"Is it too late for me to get a starter professor?"
"Well I am out of starters, but I think you're the perfect person for him."
"I'm sorry professor, for who?"
As I was listening to their conversation I heard my name being said. The professor picked me up and handed me to a young boy.
"Pikachu this is ash"
"Hi Pikachu, it's nice to meet you, I can't wait to start our journey together!"
He wants me to go with this human?!?! Well let's just see of he wants to take me after this...
"Pi-ka-chuuuuuu!" A bolt of lightning erupted and surrounded ash, electrocuting him to a crisp.
Hehehehe, he won't want to take me now.'

Chronicles of a Broken Trainer: Delia's secret
This the first in an 8 part series that spans 20 years. Starting with Delia Ketchum as a 10 year old trainer. And ending with an adult Ash fighting a global Pokewar

' "Come on Geo and Asher!" Delia Lillybud was running excidly to Professor Oaks lab. She was finally 10 and old enough to get a starter Pokemon. Her two best friends Asher Ketchum and Geo Rokket had turned 10 last year. They had already started their journey together but had returned to pick up their best friend and celebrate her birthday with her.
They finally reached the lab only to find the professor didnt have any starters! Delia was crushed but Geo was having none of it. He was professor Oaks son, and as such took it upon himself to give Delia a starter Pokemon.
"Delia, here, I'm going to give you this Pokemon egg." Geo handed Delia a glass container. It had a silver cushion at the bottom and a miniature pink and purple pokeball on top. It was lined with white gold and contained a pink and silver egg.
"You can come with us and once your egg hatches, you can start training to get badges!"
"Yea let's go!" Asher chinned in.
"Ok! Let's do it!" Delia responded.
Geo and Asher both looked at Delia with adoration in geir eyes and then their gaze met each other's. As sparks of jealousy and rivalry shot between them, Delia was obviously giddy and getting ready to go on a journey with them.'

The Ultimate Heartbreak

When her trainer is murdered in cold blood Vulpix must lead the rest of her gang to team Flares headquarters. Not only to avenge the death of her trainer, but to stop Lysander from ever doing this to another trainer. Told from Pokemon POV.

' I feel so alone. How? How could I let this happen? I let her down. She needed me and I failed her. I fought and I wasn't good enough and now she's dead.
Vulpix sat solemnly staring into the dark abyss known as the night sky. As many stars that were visible in the sky, it felt void of all light. Hope was gone from the world in Vulpixs eyes. She had to avenge her trainer, but how?
I need to get the rest of the Pokemon and we need to get out of here and train.  We need to make sure this doesn't happen again. May wasn't the only trainer he had locked up. I know she's not tge first one he killed. She won't be the last either. Not until we stop him.
"Torchick, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Munchlacx, Glaceon, Beautifly, Swablu, let's go."
"But what about our trainer?" Swablu, the youngest of the bunch asked.
"She's not coming back" I said. I turned towards the forrest and the rest of the gang followed. We are wild Pokemon now and we have to keep each other safe.

Rocket to Rocker
Jessie and Janes from team Rocket have lost to ash again. Bit this time it's different. This time Jessie can't feel her legs when they land from blasting off. She tries to get up and realizes not only can she not feel her legs, she can't move them either.

'I can't believe it. Jessie. After all we've been through together, all the times we've been blasted off...and now.
The boss gave me a choice. Take a new partner, or resign with you. It's no question what I'm going to do, but...
What will you say when you wake up and find out what I've done. Will you feel betrayed by the choice I've made? Jessie, my best friend. It hurts me to ses you like this. I need you to wake up! It's been 17weeks, WAKE UP!!! I need to see your beautiful green eyes again, and hear your melodic voice. I need you to tell me I'm doing the right thing. I need to tell you I love you.
"James..." '

Left Without A Choice
After ash returns from Kalos his mother falls I'll and passes away, Ash finally finds out who his father is only to find its one of his biggest enemies. Since he's under age he must go live with his father. Forced to join a gang he's fought forever, Ash will find out who he can trust, and who he really is.

'"I can't believe you would join them Ash!!!" Serena and Ash had been arguing for hours.
"I'm sorry, I don't have a Choice. He said I can bring whoever i want. Please Serena, come with me, maybe we can fight it undercover."
"Fine. Who else are you going to ask?"
"Everyone, I need to know who I can and can't depend on."
"Well get to it."
6 hours later, Brock, Clemont, Bonnie, Max, Dawn, Misty, Gary, Shauna, Korina, Paul, and  Ritchie had agreed to join him.
"Ok Serena, are you ready?"
"I can't believe I'm doing this, but...yes."
Serena and Ash intertwined their fingers and headed towards Lysander Labs.'

Ok guys it's up to y'all lmk what you think I should wrote next!!!

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