An Unexpected Delay

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Note it's now 2 and a half months later.

It was a very very hot day. They were about 2 weeks away from their destination, but the heat was slowing them down.
All of a sudden they were surrounded by fog and dark clouds.

All of a sudden they were surrounded by fog and dark clouds

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The wind picked up and lighting began to strike everywhere. Pikachu and Deninne began to stir. Their cheeks sparked and they looked worried.

The group looked up in the sky in the direction the sound came from and saw an agitated looking Pokemon flying overhead

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The group looked up in the sky in the direction the sound came from and saw an agitated looking Pokemon flying overhead. It was huge. It's wings spanned 11 feet it was golden yellow and black, a legendary native to Kanto. The great thunderbird.

"What's a Zapdose doing in Kalos???" Ash shouted

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"What's a Zapdose doing in Kalos???" Ash shouted.
"This is very unusual indeed!!!" Stated Clemont.
"It looks angry and scared." Said Bonnie.
"It's worse than I thought. If legendaries from other regions are showing up...." Serena didn't finish her thought. Instead she turned to her friends and said...
"I have to hurry, I'm going to fly the rest of the way there, I'm going to ask you one more time, are you SURE you want to come with me? You can still back out and won't be punished or targeted."
"We're not having this discussion again Serena. Right guys?"
"Right!!!" Bonnie and Clemont said in unison.
"Ok then. Ash call out tour Charazard. Clemont, Bonnie, you can borrow one of my Pokemon. Wait.....where's Pikachu and Dedinne?"
"Oh no Dedinne!!!" Bonnie screamed!!!
"Pikachu where ARE YOU????!!!" Ash hollered.
"We have to find them!!!" Clemont said desperately.
"Right!" Serena said. "Let's split up Ash you go with Clemont Bonnie you come with me we'll meet back here in 20 minutes!!!"
The groups split up and started looking for the two mouse Pokemon.

In the bushes...

"Hehehe, those little twerps didn't stand a chance. With Zapdose storm distracting them they didn't even notice us."
"Hawhawhaw you're right let's get going before they figure it out."
"PIKACHUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!" The mouse Pokemon cried out in absolute terror.

""PIKACHUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!" The mouse Pokemon cried out in absolute terror

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"The balloons ready, let's go"

Back with Ash and Clemont...

"Clemont did you hear that it sounded like Pikachu!!! He sounds scared come on it was this way!!!"

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