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I waited  for his reaction as I told  him the good news..well what I thought was good news.

"What?" he asked dumb founded.

I rolled my eyes at having to repeat myself, "I said the girls are on their way here. For good, well atleast until this year is up."

He seemed to zone out even more as I continued to talk.

Snapping my fingers he came back to reality, "D what's the matter?"

Then he flipped. "What's the matter? what's the matter?! My  balls are what's the matter!" he was hysterical.

" My balls.." He gasped,eyes wide with terror , "Shyla You have to hold my balls for me." He said seriously looking around. I looked at him like he lost his fvcking mind. "What!?"

"She's gonna get them if you don't" he pleaded, actually looking quite terrified.

"Who? D what are you talking about?" I asked completely lost, What the hell was wrong with him?

"Aieva! Shyla" his arms flailed in frustration, "Im talking about your psycho friend!" He looked pained as it seemed he zoned out again.

Realizing what he was going on about I found it quite hilarious.

I guess he didn't though because he looked at me like I just killed his kitten. " You think this is funny?" he asked incredulously, glaring at me, "How could you Shyla, you know I need those." If looks could kill I'd be a pile of dust right now.

Swallowing my laugh I nodded in understanding, " No totally, I understand. I think you're over exaggerating a little bit. Everything will be fine, I'm pretty sure the girls don't even remember what you said to me. If anything, Jake is the one who should be worried."

He looked at me a little unsure but said, " You think so?"

Ignoring the fact that he didn't even care about his bestfriend's safety and knowing that that probably wasn't true at all, just to reassure him I said, " Totally, Aieva's probably onto bigger and badder things by now." I think I was convincing myself.

" I mean how bad could it be?" I threw out there.

He looked at me like I just cursed the ground he walked on, and groaned before stomping away.

"What?" I asked confused, "What did I say?" I called after him, but still no answer. Shrugging I walked into my own house.

Five hours later my friends were here with a devised plan,I should have never underestimated them.

Eyes wide I asked again, thinking I didn't hear them clearly,"Um repeat that please?"

Aieva rolled her eyes, unzippining the black duffle bag she bought along. I watched as she took out four black skii masks, a roll of duck tape and a long brown rope. My eyes widened even more as her smirk grew holding up the last object, a can of mace. "Can't forget this." she said wiggling her eyebrows.

What the hell were they planing?

Krissa, overly excited as usual, was bouncing on her heels in excitement as she repeated what I thought they said the first time,"Were gonna kidnapp McHottie."

Layla cleared her throat as she got my attention, "I just want you to know I was totally against first."

Im sure I looked completely terrified, not for me,but for Daniel.

He had no idea what was in store for him and there was nothing I could do about it.

When it came to my girls there was no negotiating with revenge.

Her Heart, His tears,Their Love (Under construction)Where stories live. Discover now