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I smirked, as I watched George hesitate. Impatiently I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him to me. His eyes widened as our lips touched, but it didn't stop him from kissing back. After a moment, I felt his tongue on my bottom lip, wanting entrance, so I gave it to him. We fought for dominance, but I won this time. Placing a hand in his hair, I began to pull on it, he broke the kiss to let out a deep moan. I wanted more, and I was going to go for it, until I heard someone clear their throat.

I looked up to see Draco, his expression was unreadable. George just laughed, "enjoying the show." Draco's eyes grow dark, but he kept the same emotionless expression, "not likely." I swallowed hard, not knowing what to say. George rolled his eyes, "then why did you interrupt us, we weren't close to being done. Draco growled, "I'm just making sure you don't ruin her life before she can."

I finally spoke up, "what does that mean?" Draco sighed, "weather you are going to break the engagement off, or not. You are still bound by the rule, you have to end the marriage before you can lose it to him." George laughed, "marriage? You mean arranged marriage. She's never wanted you, you're just some pathetic, depressed little boy, who needed to grow up."

This made me nervous, Draco has battled with depression since we were kids. When we were still friends, I help him get through it, but after he told me we couldn't be friend's anymore. He got some much worse, and I've never seen someone call him out on it. I looked at Draco with sad eyes, but he just turned away and left.

I sighed, "George, don't you think that was a bit too far?" George looked at me like I was crazy, "too far? Are you bloody kidding me! After everything he has done and said to all your friends; I'm the one going too far?" I looked at him, "I know, and I haven't forgiven him for that. But picking on someone's mental health makes us no better than him." George backed up, "I don't give a damn! He is hateful, you have seen how to speaks to Hermione and others. And he's been trying to get in between us, since before we started. And don't forget what he did to you in the library. You know what, I got class, see you at dinner," he muttered the last part. I stood there shocked and confused.

The Lanes. Draco x Reader x GeorgeWhere stories live. Discover now