Dinner and A bit more

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I felt butterflies in my stomach as I stood in front of my place at the table, Draco across from me, waiting for my Mum to arrive. I jumped, when I felt someone pull me close, "Y/n, oh, darling, I've missed you so much. Let me look at you, I feel as if you have grown so much since the school year started. How is everything, I want to know," my mum stated. I quickly hugged back and pulled away to sit down, she did the same. "I'm fine, mum. I missed you too. How has work been?" She laughed, "don't pretend, I know you dislike when I talk of work, besides, I only want to hear about you. Oh, goodness, Draco, I didn't see you, and I had forgotten you would be staying over. I hope you are well, please sit."

I looked over to see Draco awkwardly still standing, but he quickly sat down. As soon as he did, mum clapped her hands, and our meals appeared in front of us. I spoke up, before we could start eating. "Mum, I have something really important to say," I paused to look over at Draco, looking for any signs he changed his mind, he motioned me to go on. I look back at my mum, "I've finally decided to act like an adult and accept the arranged marriage." Draco quickly spoke up, "actually, Mrs. L/n, your daughter and I have decided we do not want to refer to it as an arranged marriage. We want to be engaged until the wedding. I'm deeply in love with your daughter, and always have been. I would want to marry her either way." I blushed, surprised by Draco's words, 'deeply in love.'

I looked over at mum, waiting for her to say something. Finally, she did, "I'm glad to hear this, but I dare say, I knew you were in love with her. And I knew she felt the same, I'm just surprised my stubborn daughter admitted it. Well, let's eat."

After dinner, we told my mum good night, and headed to our rooms, which were right next to each other. Right as we got to our rooms, I lightly grabbed his arm, "can we talk? I know you must be tired, it'll be quick." He nodded, and we entered my room, and sat on the end of my bed. I sighed, "Draco, my mum took that really well, but what if your parents don't. I mean, what if they can tell I broke the one rule somehow?" Draco looked at me, "well, I'll tell them you broke that rule with me, so we both broke it together, they can't blame you for that. Even if they found a way to know if you broke it, I doubt it. But they would be able to know who."

I smiled a bit, "but wait, are you a virgin? If so, then they would be able to tell." Draco looked away, "it's not that big of a deal, they won't find out," he whispered. His entire mood changing. I moved closer to him, "what's wrong, you seem upset. Have you changed your mind?" Draco looked at me, with wide eyes, "no, I haven't stop asking that, I'm not going to fall out of love with you, I've tried! When you were with George, I tried. When he made that comment about my mental health and you didn't even try to come after me, I tried to not love you. It didn't work. It just doesn't help that you gave him your virginity and I'm still the sad, virgin boy," he looked away blushing.

"Is that it? You're embarrassed because you are a virgin? I'm embarrassed I had sex with someone that wasn't you. I.." I decided to stop talking and act. I stood up, he follows, but I quickly stood in front of him and pushed him back on the mattress. And climbed on top of him, he blushed, "what are you doing?" I smirked, "making sure you aren't a 'sad, virgin boy.' You'll be a happy, well very happy man." I whispered as I placed my lips onto his. Surprising him, by sliding my tongue into his mouth. We fought, and I let him win. I pulled away, "do you want this?" He was blushing, "isn't the guy supposed to ask that." I laughed, "well seeing as you're the virgin here, no. But do you want this? Do you want me?" He nodded, as he looked at my lips.

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