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I was nervous, today was the day everyone was going back to Hogwarts. Everything was going to be awkward, everyone I was friends with were also friends with George. We all sat together when it was time to eat. And last time we were at school, Draco and I barely talked, and when we did, it wasn't nice.

Draco hugged me, "what are you thinking about?" I sighed, "what if we go back to how we were before? Where we didn't talk and acted like we hated each other." He kissed me cheek, "that isn't going to happen. You are mine now, sadly we won't be able to spend as much time together. Damn you being so brave." I gasped, "I can't believe you just made a joke because of my house, you snake." We laughed, "hey, I'm going to sit with Ginny on the ride if that's okay?" Draco didn't look happy, "fine, but only because it's what you want. I probably won't really get to talk to you again until tomorrow, so kiss me." I smiled, pressing my lips against his, it was gentle and loving. "eww, break it up. She's mine now." I jumped away from him to see Ginny. "Hush, now let's find somewhere to sit."

I swallowed, not knowing how I felt as we walked into the Great Hall. We sat down and I remembered what I told Ginny earlier, that I was still going to sit with my friends, even if George is there. I'll just pretend like it doesn't hurt. A few moments later everyone was seated, I avoided looking to see where everyone was sitting, until now. I looked across from me to see George, he looked normal, like being this close to me doesn't affect him. Ginny lend to my ear, "Fred forced George to sit here, sorry." I faked a smile, "it's alright. Really." After all the end of break speeches were down, we were finally allowed to eat. I looked across the room, to find where Draco was sitting. When I spotted him, he was already looking at me, intensely. It made my heart flutter, sad when I realized I wouldn't be able to really hold him again until summer.

Time skip (a week later)

I was so happy that Draco transferred back into potions with me. It means I got to see him early, as we sat together, he'd secretly holding my hand under to table. As Snape would lecturing about something, I could care less about. Being back at Hogwarts was nice, awkward though. Everyday, when it was time to eat. George was sitting in front of me, looking happy and not speaking to me. I was dreading lunch, which was where I was heading to now. I took a deep breath as I took my seat. Today was different, some girl named Shell (I don't think that's a name, so I'm using it. I don't want to use anyone that's reading this name.) It surprised everyone, but it didn't take long for us to realize by she was there. She made it so obvious she had a crush on George, she was flirting so hard. He didn't notice at first, until she whispered something only him and I could hear, "come on, I'm so good. Forget about whoever you have slept with before, they are nothing now. After you're with me, you'll forget about her." I laughed, "he already has." I choked, realizing he heard me, "umm, I need to get ready to study, I'll see you later Ginny." Before she could reply, I ran out of there. And straight into Draco, "what was that? Something happened. I've seen how tense it's been for you sitting by him. Do you still want him?" I sighed, "Draco, just because it's awkward sitting so close to my ex, doesn't mean I want him. I want you, you should know that. You are the only one who makes my feel better." Draco stepped closer to me, "yes, but I'm making you feel better about everything with him. I know you love me, but you have unfinished business with him. Deal with it." I looked up at him, "what?" He groaned, "Deal with it, I don't want you too. But I want to marry you soon, so I'd rather you get your feelings for him out of your system now. No, I'm going to marry you soon. So, do what you got to do, but I'll be waiting for you before dinner. With that I watched as Draco walked away. I just stood there, outside of the Great Hall, speechless. I can't just go back in there and tell my ex I want to talk to him. I just can't.

I jumped, when I heard someone call my name. I turned to see George, I didn't know what to do so I ran. I ran as fast as I could until I fell to the ground, by the lake. Not fast enough, because he followed. "Y/n? Y/n, don't ignore me." I laughed, "why, it works so well for you?" I heard him sigh, "what else am I supposed to do?" Silence, "you have to know what that girl said, isn't true. You'll never be nothing to me, I couldn't forget you. Trust me, I've been trying." I started crying, "this is all your fault." He moved closer and hugged me, "I know, when Ginny got back home, I she almost tore my apart. I broke up with you out of anger, but I thought, hopefully, when you came to the Borrow we could make up. But after what I said I don't blame you for not coming. And then I found out you are really with him now. All I did was push you closer to him, and I hate myself for it, because I still love you so much."

I just kept crying, "we can't change anything now. And now I stuck with feelings for you, while I'm engaged to someone else." I looked up to see that George was crying to, "I know, I've already lost you, I don't want to mess up your happiness, so I'll learn to let you go. But..." he stopped. I whined, "but.." Before I could say what, he kissed me. I pulled away, "I thought you said you were going to let me go?" He sighed, " I will, just give me this one thing..."

I smashed my lips onto him, knowing this would be the last time we'd ever kiss. I felt his tongue asking for an entrance, so I let him. He easily dominated me, this kiss was different then all the others, it meant goodbye.

The Lanes. Draco x Reader x GeorgeWhere stories live. Discover now