Good Morning

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       'Knock, Knock, Knock,' Hollow, one of my room mates yelled. I slowly looked up, "it's Saturday, we have no classes," I informed her. Rolling back over, to go back to sleep. Suddenly the door to our dormitory flew open. I jumped up, frightened, as another one of my room mates, and my best friend, Ginny Weasley, walked in laughing. "Did I scare you, y/n," she asked smiling. I frowned, "no," I muttered as I got up to throw some clothes on. Hollow started jumping up and down, "yay, y/n wants to go see boys with us." Ginny rolled her eyes, while I shook my head, "no, you know I'm arranged to marry Draco. There's no point in me even looking at other guys, because it will just end badly." Ginny made a disgusted face, "I hate when you bring that up, it's terrible that you have to marry that foul git. And I'm on Hollow's side, other boys is just what you need. It's not like Draco doesn't flirt, snog, and date other girls. You should take advantage of your freedom while you still have it," she said in a matter of a fact tone.

      Hollow smirked, "you could have any guy you want, and we can see if Draco really has feelings for you, or not." I blushed, "I shouldn't have told you my feelings for him. And if I'm going to flirt with someone, it has to be real, I won't fake liking someone," I stated, as I put on my shoes. Ginny immediately grabbed my arm, pulling me out into the Gryffindor common room. We ran past Harry and Ron, who looked scared by the commotion. I tried to stop and talk, but Ginny wouldn't stop running, until we got to the Great Hall.

     She pointed to the Gryffindor table, Ginny smirked, "how about George? I know you have a crush on him, I see the way you look at him. And all he does is try and flirt with you, it's perfect, because you won't be faking it. I won't take no, for an answer," she hissed, finally releasing my arm, only to push me towards George. I swallowed hard, she was right, I do have a crush on him. As I walked towards where the twins were sitting, I got more nervous to see that not many people showed up to breakfast today.

     When I was a few steps away from him, I started to turn around. "Y/n, come sit by me," George yelled with a smirk. I started to feel butterflies as I sat by him, Fred was on the other side of the table, grinning at his twin. "So, how did you sleep," I asked, feeling stupid for asking something like that. George chuckled, "alright, but it would have been better if you were there," he smirked, as I started blushing, speechless. He continued, "So, do you want a candy..." I frowned, "absolutely not, I know what your candy does to people." Fred and George busted out laughing, George stopped to pat my head, "I wouldn't give you, that kind of candy. The only thing I'd put in your chocolate is love potion." Fred laughed, "Brother, I doubt you would even need to do that."

     I blushed, I'm not use to any guy openly flirting with me so much. I looked over to see that George was blushing too, he laughed it off though. "So, we're going to practice for the quidditch tryouts, that are coming up, and Ginny says you're pretty amazing on a broom, you could come fly with," he asked. I smile, "that would be nice, I'd have to go get my broom though." Fred shook his head, "no need, Ginny already put it in the locker room. She really wants you to be on the team." I nodded and stood up with the twins, and headed to the field.

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