Prove it

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I walked into potions, knowing Ginny was going to be upset I never made it to breakfast, but after that intense snogging, I couldn't face everyone. I dreaded seeing Malfoy, but I walked into class, early as always, and sat in my seat. I stayed there quietly until Snape called me to his deck (I don't remember if he has a desk, but in this story, he does.) He cleared his throat, "it is unfortunate for me to tell you, but Mr. Malfoy has changed classes. And since he is no longer in this class you don't have a partner. He did inform me that you had already come up with what you are doing, and it was your idea, so you can still do it. You will be working alone though, I let you present last though." I nodded my head, "yes, sir. Thank you, for informing me." I then headed to my seat as class began.

I sat down for lunch relieved, apparently the professors to all my classes after lunch were sick with the same thing Hallow has. And they will be out for at least a week, so I get a break. My happiness left as Ginny sat in front of me. She was frowning, "you didn't come, I can't believe you.." but before she could fuss at me more. My loving boyfriend had sat down and interrupted her. "Sorry, Ginny. But it's my fault, not hers. I kept her, I didn't want to stop cuddling." She made a gross face, "eww, all I can say is cuddling better be all you're doing." George smirked, "you have no idea the half of what we do." I choked on my food, "George stop, you know that's a lie." Ginny laughed, "I know it's a lie, he already said he wouldn't do anything with you, you were too young to for him to see you that way." I eternally cringed, I felt like shots were fired at my heart. I laughed it off though, hurrying to finish lunch and get away.

As soon as I finished eating, I excused myself. I dashed off to the common room, thankful everyone was still eating, and I wouldn't run into anyone. I was almost relieved, until someone pulled me back and into an empty room. I turned to see George, I rolled my eyes. He sighed, "it's not what you think really. Ginny is super protective over you, and threatening to kill me if I took your virginity. I only said what I said to calm her. You know I didn't mean it." I laughed, dryly, "do I? How can I?" George frowned, "How can you not. There is no way you don't see how I look at you, and only you. And you know how I kiss you, it's hard for me to keep my hands off of you. I've never been so attracted to anyone in my life. You are younger than me, but it doesn't change how I look at you."

I looked into his eyes, that were pleading for me to forgive him. I looked around and spotted a table. I walked over and sat on it, George walked closer to me, waiting for me to reply. I smirked, "prove it." He looked up, "huh." " you heard me, prove it," I said louder. He visibly shook, but he slowly nodded, and moved closer, until there was no space between us. He was giving me what I want.

The Lanes. Draco x Reader x GeorgeWhere stories live. Discover now