chapter 4

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justinseagull: yo yo yo

taetae1995: w h a t

justinseagull: wtf

taetae1995: you say wtf wayyyy too much

justinseagull: i do?

taetae1995: yes

justinseagull: oh well

taehyung opened his locker and saw a box of chocolates. taehyung opened the box of chocolates and found a sticky note. he read,

''dear taehyung,
i made this box of chocolates just for you. i hope you like it.
from justinseagull."

justinseagull: did you like it?

taetae1995: how did you kn— nvm

justinseagull: (;

taehyung took a chocolate and put it in his mouth.

taetae1995: wow, not bad.

justinseagull: yay! mission accomplished

taetae1995: ...

justinseagull: ttyl (;;;;;

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