chapter 9

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"taehyung, better not be on the rooftop, because that where i always go before school to eat breakfast." jungkook thought. as jungkook climbed to the rooftop, he saw taehyung sleeping there soundly. "oh shit, he might get in trouble if anyone catches him." jungkook thought. jungkook woke up taehyung and he said "what are you doing here?" "o–oh.. i guess.. i was waiting for a friend and i accidentally fell asleep." taehyung said. "oh. well see you around." jungkook said as he left. as jungkook left he screamed and thought, "i finally talked to him! but where am i going to eat my breakfast now?"

taetae1995: i fell asleep waiting for you lol, my mom is so going to beat my ass when i come home. jungkook woke me up, i guess he's not that rude as i thought
read at 6:53am

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