chapter 22

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taetae1995: if that was autocorrect.. what did you mean to say?

justinseagull: um.. i mean't to say, justin is always right

taetae1995: how tf did that autocorrect to jungkook and i thought ur name wasn't justin??

justinseagull: don't ask me!

taetae1995: jungkook and i are both on our phones, not saying a single word to each other, yay

jungkook took taehyung's phone and started running around with it, taehyung's heart started beating rapidly. "what if he finds out the texts with that stupid justinseagull! will he think i'm gay?" taehyung thought. taehyung eventually got his phone back and jungkook hugged him tightly. "you're like my new best friend." jungkook said as butterflies form into taehyung's stomach.

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