chapter 15

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justinseagull: heyy

taetae1995: still mad at you

justinseagull: get over it tae

taetae1995: finee but i'll still be a little mad

justinseagull: yeah yeah ok

taetae1995: i really want someone to cuddle with:(

justinseagull: lol my mood

taetae1995: anyways, i'm going to go eat, b ye

justinseagull: byee


justinseagull: hey, what's taehyung's address

chimchim: xxx xxxx, why?

justinseagull: i have a project to do with him but he forgot to tell me his address

chimchim: oh

jungkook reaches taehyung's house and knocks on his door. taehyung opens his door and says, "jungkook?" "i was just bored, so i came to hangout with you." jungkook says. "oh really?" taehyung says, letting jungkook in.

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