chapter 27

333 17 4

taetae1995: omg justin

taetae1995: did you hear what happened to jungkook?

justinseagull: no, what happened to him?

taetae1995: he cut himself!!!

justinseagull: what? how do you know?

*image attachment*

justinseagull: WTF WHO SENT U THAT

taetae1995: idk, someone from our school.. i guess? not many people know

taetae1995: i'm actually concerned

justinseagull: same

taetae1995: no wtf seriously.. like this is not okay

justinseagull: yeah
read at 3:44pm

justinseagull: tae???
read at 3:46pm

justinseagull: answer me:////
read at 3:47pm

taehyung rushed all over the school just to look for one particular person, jungkook. he finally found him and said, "jungkook, could we talk?" while panting.

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