chapter 13

371 13 1

taetae1995: hold up, you cheated?

justinseagull: i was drunk

taetae1995: that's not an excuse? wtf??

justinseagull: why do you care

taetae1995: bro that's just wrong

justinseagull: brozoned ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

taetae1995: people say yoongi had depression, was that because of you?

justinseagull: he deserves it

taetae1995: no he does not!

justinseagull: i thought you hated yoongi🙄

taetae1995: he was a bitch but he did nothing wrong! you did

justinseagull: he shouldn't have abused me anyways

taetae1995: wait what?

justinseagull: none of your business

taetae1995: then why'd you tell me?

justinseagull: to prove you wrong

taetae1995: no wonder you have no friends

justinseagull: excuse me? what about you? are you not my friend?

taetae1995: i'm not sure..

justinseagull: what?

taetae1995: i'm not sure if i want you to be my friend

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