chapter 7

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taetae1995: i'm meeting you today, finally

justinseagull: wtftwfe

taetae1995: i'm just curious, k

justinseagull: yeah right

taetae1995: 👀👀

taehyung bumped into jungkook and jungkook's phone fell. taehyung quietly whispered, "sorry" as he reached for jungkook's phone. jungkook quickly snatched it away and ran. "what the fuck?" taehyung thought.

taetae1995: i just bumped into jungkook and i reached out to get his phone but he snatched it away and ran away. he's so rude, damn.

justinseagull: i heard he's having a bad day

taetae1995: really? well, he shouldn't take his anger out of people

justinseagull: you're right

taetae1995: i'm always right lmao

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