chapter 12

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justinseagull: yeet

taetae1995: w h a t

justinseagull: i'm bored

taetae1995: iTS FUcking 2 A M

justinseagull: so what

taetae1995: you're crazy

justinseagull: i've heard that enough(;;;;;

taetae1995: yoyooyoy did you hear what happened to yoongi??

justinseagull: what

taetae1995: he killed himself, what a shame

justinseagull: wAIT WHAT

taetae1995: that's why he was absent today

justinseagull: ..oh my god

taetae1995: idc, never really liked him anyways. he was a bitch for no reason

justinseagull: kim taehyung, wtf

taetae1995: woAh you know my full name

justinseagull: of course i do, i'm in your school but anyways yoongi is my ex

taetae1995: so, don't you hate him?

justinseagull: yeah.. but maybe he killed himself because of me..

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