chapter 6

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justinseagull: do you like anyone?

taetae1995: nah not really

justinseagull: what about jungkook?

taetae1995: what about him?

justinseagull: don't you think he's cute? like c'mon, look at him.

justinseagull: don't you think he's cute? like c'mon, look at him

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taetae1995: he's cute, no homo tho + but he's not my type

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taetae1995: he's cute, no homo tho + but he's not my type

justinseagull: c'mon, look at his muscles, and his bunny teeth. who wouldn't fall for him?

taetae1995: do you love him? lol

justinseagull: nah, it's just, he's cute. but i don't like him

taetae1995: then why do you have pics of him

justinseagull: bc he's cute, duhh

taetae1995: oh

justinseagull: 'oh'

taetae1995: sht your face

justinseagull: i can't;)))

taetae1995: i'm meeting you tomorrow

justinseagull: yeah..

taetae1995: where do you wanna meet

justinseagull: after school, at the rooftop

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