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Luke's pov

I get up to go make dinner, and Ashton quickly follows.

"What should we make?" I mumble mostly to myself. Once we decide on something and start cooking, Ashton speaks up from his near silence.

"Is there a reason she's been misbehaving so much lately?" He asks. I shrug.

"I do t know, just in a bad mood I guess." He sighs and I glance at him. "Yeah, I'm not loving it either, but I don't know what to do about it. Hopefully she'll be a bit better, since her spanking." I sigh.

"Well, if she keeps acting up, I think you should be a little stricter. I mean, you've kinda softened up a lot with her the past few days. She seemed to behave just fine with how you were before." He suggested, obviously trying not to offend me.

"I know, I have been being a lot softer since she's gone into little space. I was afraid of how she'd handle a spanking when she was little." I sighed.

"Well, she seems to have done fine?"

"She did really well actually, and I think I definitely can go back to being stricter now that I'm sure she's good with it." He nods.

"How do you think she'll handle being on tour?"

"Hopefully she'll be fine." I sigh. "I'm just worried she might get homesick? And what will she do when we have shows or something and no one can watch her?" Ashton nods on response.

"Some one backstage could probably watch her? Or maybe we could get like, a babysitter?" He offers. I shrug.

"I don't know. Someone backstage watching her, they could leak that we do age play, and I don't know about letting some stranger be alone with her for hours, not to mention they could also leak that to the public." He nods.

"It'll be ok. We'll figure something out, yeah?" I nod as he pats my back. When we finish making dinner I go back out to tell them it's ready.

"No! More toys!" Robin yells.

"Little girl." I warn her. She glances around before turning to me and giving me an innocent smile.

"Uh oh. Good girl." She says as she reaches for me, and I lick her up.

"That's right. Good girl." I chuckle

Sorry I know it's rrlyyyyy short but I wanted to update quickly

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