Washington's Favor

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When he had pulled the trigger, he had expected himself to immediately die and to be put out his misery. But, unfortunately (for him) the gun had no ammo, he hadn't even checked for that. When he had realized, he dropped the gun, kicking it away- hands now brought to his face to only muffle his loud sobs. His heart was pounding against his chest, he couldn't believe it- he almost killed himself in his own bedroom. But, the gun had no bullets and that was the only thing that seemed to stop him from doing so- if there had been any.. The man's brain would have been splattered amongst the coral blue walls, and he would have been found by possibly his landowner when she goes to see why he hadn't paid his rent.
"Oh, oh my god.." he managed to choke out, rubbing his eyes. "I'm such a fool, such a..- such a ".. He couldn't finish his sentence, soon turning into a hiccuping mess rather quickly.
He stayed like this for about an hour two, only stopping when his phone began to ring. When the small male had heard the familiar ringing of his phone, he got into his two feet and trailed over to the kitchen table where his phone laid. He reached out for the roll of napkins next to his mobile device, wiping away the tears that hadn't gotten a chance to to stream down his cheeks. He then picked up the phone, taking a few shaky breaths before answering.


".. Yes, who's this"?

"It's George, George Washington"!

"I-.. What do you need, it's awfully late.." Burr softly stated, sniffling as he continued to calm himself down.

"Burr, are you alright? Nevermind- I need you to do me a favor. I'm going out of town with Alexander to go and take care of some things in a bit, I'm sorry for the short notice but even I just got a call that I have a meeting in the morning.. And I need someone to watch my house. I have a package coming tomorrow and my dogs need to watched and fed".

With a sigh, Burr nodded- even though Washington couldn't see that. "Yes, I can actually- I have no plans.. Like always" he mumbled beneath his breath. "I'll be there in a minute."

Relieved, Washington hummed in aproval, "alright- I'm going to leave the key underneath the matt. I need to get going, Alexander's already here- also just a heads up. Sometimes I get rather.. Interesting, visitors. So be careful."

"Alright sounds fine to m- wait, what do you mean interest-"

"No time to talk, catch you later"! And with that, he hung up. Burr put the phone down, staring at the screen for a moment before heading out of the kitchen and into his room to go look for his keys. His own problems can wait, they always had to wait. Others were apparently far more important than he was, when he found his keys- he then began to wonder.. What did he mean by strange visitors, and would he have an encounter with one?

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