oh, ronnie

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"Where are we going again - or is it a surprise, I'm not a huge fan of surprises."
"Well, if you must know it's just going to be something simple, somewhere where I can keep my eyes on you and you won't be able to run off. You're a smart boy and I must keep that in mind, if I'm going to be doing anything with you." Burr didn't really find himself to be smart- especially now since he was basically taken hostage, he opened the door late at night and expected nothing to happen. He could have simply ignored it, and gone to bed. Sugar- stupid sugar, or was it tea? Now he couldn't remember simple things from only a day or two ago.


Washington had been worrying about Ronnie, attempting to call him again- "I seriously can't get anything from him, nobody's seen him neither. Alexander what if something bad happened?"
"Sir, he could've just locked himself in your home, binge-watching a show. It's what he usually does in his free time, I know that because of a - a couple of nights we spent together." Washington frowned, noting that almost- almost everyone he had known 'spent a couple of nights with Ronnie.'
"Alexander- can I ask you a question?"

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