It's Out There

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"Are you friends with Aaron, do you, spend time with him alone?' Washington murmured, scooting over to the small man who somewhat tensed at the sudden question. It was just a question, nothing innaporpiate about it neither, not yet at least. Just a question. But it made him nervous, clearing his throat before he could even work up a simple, "yes sir.'

Hamilton looked up at him with a rather nervous expression, quickly tilting his head away however. "Yes sir, he is a friend I suppose do whenever I'm alone with him, it's only for - work related matters." That sounded so stupid, he thought to himself with a gulp. Washington furrowed his brows, shaking his head. "Hamilton, you're obviously not telling me something", he sighed, carefully resting his hand upon his thigh. Hamilton winced, flustering. "He's your boyfriend! I would never-!'

"Look, just tell me the truth, I won't be upset. I had a feeling about him being unloyal, but I need to know if it's not just a feeling and that it's either a lie or in fact the truth.'
Alexander looked down at the man's hand, hating how small he was compared to George. "Okay, I've had relations with Ronnie a few times and he's participated doing the act with other people, yes. I knew it was wrong and I slept with him anyways! Nobody even knows the two of you are dating and Aaron just doesn't want to live with you or anything because he wants to seem single! They'll go after a single man, not a man who's with someone like you-.' He whimpered, covering his eyes as the guilt began to weigh down onto him in total.

George didn't say anything, only wrapping an arm around Alexander in return instead of an actual response. "Thank you for telling the truth." He sighed, lazily combing through his hair, a small smile appearing upon his lips at how soft it was. Hamilton had hesitated, leaning into the man's touch with a quiet purr.

Aaron, oh Aaron- he had no idea on what was to come. But did it matter, no not at the moment, not at all. Washington? Your boyfriend? Hah! You haven't thought about him in awhile, your small fingers interlacing with the man's who has, may I you, keeping you hostage. But did you care, no not at all. Your plan was to escape, and you had completely forgotten about it.

Aaron was walking downtown with Fredrick, fluttering his eyes at the wondrous scene around him. He enjoyed the pretty lights, the soft music playing, coming from all sorts of magnificent instruments. He grinned at how the birds around seemed to sing alone beautifully. It wasn't much in reality, but it was everything to Aaron, absolutely everything. He yelped when George suddenly stopped, pulling Burr closer to him with a hum. Aaron didn't pull away, only tilting his head slightly in confusion.
"You seem happy, my little Burr", George cooed against his skin, pressing a kiss at his neck before looking at the things people had been selling around the area, smiling at one full of flowers of different kinds.
"I've been inside for quite awhile, I'm outside now and this is a lovely place.' Burr answered honestly, carefully squeezing his hand.
Giggling, he nodded in understanding, going to the bouquets that was at the booth. The man who worked there looked up at his two new customers, gasping when he saw them holding hands. It was Burr- and - it wasn't George Washington his boyfriend, but King George instead. Taking a deep breath, he awkwardly settled back in his seat with a false smile. "Hello!' He chirped, trying to avoid calling Aaron out then and there. He was a medium sized man, chubby but managing to show signs of muscle hidden there. His hair was curly and seemed fluffy enough to play with when bored, dark coloured skin and faint hair at his chin. His tag had 'Madison', in bold black letters, a terribly drawn flower in the corner of it. "Would you like to buy anything?"
George nodded, grabbing the bouquet with only roses wrapped around a gold foil. "These, please.'
Madison nodded, taking them and placing them at his desk. He reached over to the side of the desk to pull out a name tag and a pen, "and who would these be for?" He asked quietly, though he knew already who it was for, the whore who was standing there in front of him with the British man. He should have just done it.

To: the whore
From: your sugar daddy ❤

If he had known the situation, the truth, then he wouldn't had been thinking of doing so, and he would've called the cops. But he didn't, looking up at George and waiting for a name to put on there like a good business owner.
"Just put, my new love." George purred at the man, Madison only nodding and writing it down with a huff. Fredrick took his wallet out and paid for them before handing it over to Ronnie.

Aaron only flushed once he received them, pulling the roses close to him to smell at them with a happy content sound. He leaned onto Fredrick, walking away from the flower booth and towards the resturaunt George had been planning to take Burr to.

When they were inside, and away from the area- James kicked over his desk with a frustrated sob. Leaning against the booth, he slid down onto the ground, curling up and beginning to simply cry. He didn't know why he was crying, but he did. He was crying because he felt bad for Washington, and he felt bad because he knew the feeling, being cheated on. Thomas cheated, Thomas cheated and was now with Hercules. Hercules was better, he was stronger and he wasn't a loser like James. A stupid flower shop and booth owner, stupid.

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