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(The cover for this chapter, is not by me and is from an art trade with blargamuffinze.)

Aaron released a loud pathetic scream as he completed his task with George. The larger male couldn't help but start laughing at this, finishing up and carefully with-drewing from the small male.
Burr huffed shakingly, kicking him away as much as he was able to, though too tired and weak at the moment. His foot lazily pressing against George's face- George rolled his eyes, pushing his leg down with a soft growl. "Weak little sweet Burr, I wouldn't try that now, or with me at all, ever.".."But, anyways- would you like some tea, perhaps hot chocolate? A bath, what does my pet enjoy'?
Aaron shivered at the word 'pet', it was disgusting. He hated it, or he tried to - he tried to hate everything about this man. But yet he was unable to, he wanted his boyfriend Gilbert, not this psycho.

"Hot chocolate, bubble baths, coconut, vanilla, berries, marshmallows.." he continued on and on, eyes fluttering, too tired. He was far too exhausted to even speak, his throat stung and burned, his jaw felt bruised and ached. The sour taste lingering upon his taste-buds, spitting as an attempt to rid of it.
George watched and listened as he spoke, eyes trailing down his soft curves and back to how he spat. "So, anything sweet, basically? Like you".
Aaron shook his head, frowning at the last part of his response. "Yes, except -.. I'm not sweet".
The British man chuckled softly, his hands moving to cup Aaron's delicate, lovely face. "Sh, no time to argue. Rest now, let me make you something, something as sweet and amazing as you are." Burr released a whimper, turning his head away- 'don't touch me with your filthy hands'! He thought, he hated that he felt good when George was inside of him, now he didn't want him to touch him now, no not at all. But, he simply nodded- not in the mood to protest much.

"I love you, kitten".

Why Can't I Hate You? (Kingburr)Where stories live. Discover now