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Burr simply huffed in return, rubbing hia cheek at the growing warmth. "He doesn't even know me, he's just a stalker- yeah"? He hesitated, looking over at the drawer bp next to the bed, hand reaching out to the handle and pulling at the cabinet. Inside, there was a mess of papers- a few pill bottles - condoms and.. where was the phone? Groaning, he slammed it shut- he knew that Washington always kept a phone in there, he called it the "Emergency Phone". Though, it was really just a back-up, most likely. He wanted Washington to come home already - a soft whimper came from him at the lovely thought, sighing. He could always try escaping- nobody would notice him missing anyways, he's small- he could hide and squeeze in some places. But when and how would he make his escape, he turned over to the window, but instantly shook his head at the thought. While the fall would most likely just break his hand - He didn't want to become dog food, he can't even kick a bowl of water outside in the back without one of them trying to get his left foot.
He brought the covers over himself, bringing the back of his head to simply rest on a feather filled pillow.

George did come back up the stairs eventually, a plate in hand. "I usually don't cook - .. but you're probably hungry, I could feel your ribs when you're beneath me.." The British man sighed, gently placing the plate on top of the nightstand, sliding beneath the covers- arms wrapping around the small tired male. Burr sighed, shaking his head- "I never get hungry, I'm fine." But, the food that George had made for him was quite tempting, sniffing at the smell before glancing over at the plate, and then at George. A smile quickly formed upon the larger male, taking the plate and handing it over to Burr almost immediately. Aaron stared at the food for awhile- as if he didn't know what to do with it, but soon found himself taking a strip of bacon and nipping at it and eventually swallowing it whole without any chewing whatsoever. George shook his head, a small chuckle escaping from his lips as he took the plate in hand, taking the fork and knife to cut up the food and then feed him.
At first, Burr spat at the fork, shaking his head, opening his mouth to release a whine full of complaints- only to be muffled when a piece of a pancake was 'shoved' into his mouth instead. With a huff, he took the offer- staying quiet as the other individual fed him piece by piece, as if he was a child.

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