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Aaron pulled up in the driveway, jumping out from his small vehicle and closing the door- locking it. It had been raining earlier that day, the grass beneath him soaking the bottom of his shoes. With a sigh, he walked over to the front door, crouching down to lift up the matt. He grabbed the key and unlocked the door, turning the knob as he opened it carefully. He might as well sleep on the couch for tonight, he's been in Washington's bed a few times before- but that was completely different. This time, he would be alone.
It only took a couple of minutes before there was a knock at the door- Jesus, it was 3 A.M in the morning, who would be visiting at this time? Well, he was about to find out, "Who's there, George isn't home at the moment, come back another day'.
"I'm just here to drop off some tea', the unfamiliar voice chirped. There was something about his voice that seemed to draw Aaron over towards the closed door, hesitating.
"At this time"?
"Well, I don't see what's wrong with that, I always do".

Aaron frowned slightly, knowing why he would come so late- because he would himself sometimes. Usually, when he was drunk-
"Yes, fine - okay, but he isn't home."

"Then can I not just drop it off with you'?
"I guess..", and with a sigh, Burr cautiously opened the door for the stranger. "Who are you'? Was the first thing he was able to say when he laid eyes on the tall man. Well, everyone was tall to him-

"My name is George". He quickly answered, surverying the smaller male.

"I suppose you're one of the visitors, Washington was talking about- he's out of town, I'm just watching over the place. I don't know when he'll be back, George".
"Oh, I know that- I just wanted to meet his house-sitter, you're a lot smaller than I expected you to be"-

"First of all, how did you know- he was burly notified about his meeting, and second of all, I am sensitive about my size." he softly admitted, face beginning to burn as he spoke -

"I have my ways, and I think your size is quite adorable if I must say so myself." George had purred out, leaning over as he took a few steps forward. In response to this, Aaron had stepped back- flustering. "There's a thing called space"!
Eventually, the two men were both inside of the living room, George cornering him. "Get away"!

"I'm just trying to get a better view." though really, he had more in mind.

Why Can't I Hate You? (Kingburr)Where stories live. Discover now