Oh No

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Aaron whined as the man grabbed his waist, bringing him even closer. Pressing himself against him- Burr's eyes widened at this, shuffling around as he threw a few punches as an attempt to break free from his grip. But instead, this resulted into George grabbing him by the wrists, placing his hands above his head- basically pinning him against the wall.
"I swear to god, stop it! I'm going to kick your ass'! Burr began to kick at him, letting out a scream.
The larger man let out a growl, forcing his lips against Aaron's- Burr began to tear up, whimpering softly.

Slowly, the man let go of him, arms wrapping around him- bringing him into a more comfortable position.
The shorter male turned his head away, "please..stop". He managed to breath out, "I don't like this, I don't like this all. It's humiliating, no .." He began to shake his head, trying to stress out the fact that this was embarrassing. That this was absoblutely terrible - he could just stop now and walk away, George pulled away from him, pinching his cheek with a small giggle. "So small, so sensitive - isn't that right little one'?
Burr started up at him with wide eyes, not sure what this man was trying to do- what game he was playing. Well, whatever it was, he hated it. But, at the same time- he wanted him to continue. A sick feeling, a sick twisted desire.

Why Can't I Hate You? (Kingburr)Where stories live. Discover now