Fuck You

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Aaron huffed, looking off to the side, "I'm not-.. I'm just, I'm tired, it's late and then you come in here and try to rape me.'
Rolling his eyes, George gently tapped his finger beneath his chin. "Whatever pretty boy but anyways.. remember how you wanted to know on how I somehow knew about Washington leaving for a meeting, right?.. Well- simple my dear, when you know powerful people about almost anywhere, you can get a man somewhere like that." His fingers snapped, a smirk slowly forming upon his terrifyingly perfect lips. "So now, you and I have plenty of time to get to know each other, especially if there isn't going to be a flight back to America for another week now".

Aaron flinched at this, shaking his head like he did so earlier, "I don't want to get to know you, now get out of this house and leave me alone"! Burr squeaked out, standing on his toes as an attempt to make himself look tough.
The British man pressed his hand gently on top of the smaller man's head, pushing him back down to stand flat on his feet. "Now now, no need to be rude, behave yourself and maybe this will go smoothly. I've seen the way your pretty body arches whenever Washington pleases you- how you grip onto the covers and release such beautiful sounds". He chirped out, crouching down as he carefully brought his arms beneath Aaron, picking him up bridal style.

 He chirped out, crouching down as he carefully brought his arms beneath Aaron, picking him up bridal style

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Burr stared at him, this was true- no doubt about it. "Have you, have you been.. watching through the window"?
With complete honesty and no shame whatsoever, Fredrick nodded. "Mmhmm, you two should close the blinds all the way, trust me- even when 'slightly opened', you can still see what's going on. "What does he call you now, doll? Mm, I personally don't like that name, I'll call you.. Kitten"... "It fits you rather nicely, once we get that collar on you, you'll see exactly what I mean"~!
He continued on and on, walking up the stairs with Burr in his arms. Aaron just stayed still, body tense.

"Why would you even watch, that is disgusting"!

"Not really, it's natural, and you're really beautiful. I don't understand why you just wear that binder, doesn't it make you sweat- isn't it uncomfortable?"

Aaron winced, face beginning to change to a dark red shade of red (or at least as much as his skin tone would allow him to). "I just- I cannot afford surgery at the moment, it's the best I can do for now".

"I have all the money you'll ever need, but I think you're perfect, kitten. Absolutely stunning, you need no changes to be done to you- especially when it'll just leave behind dreaded scars and nasty stitches. Not to mention, the doctors in America are horrible- you don't want to risk any serious injury now do you'?

Burr blinked a couple of times at this, processing the words that were coming out of his mouth- his voice sounded so beautiful. It was a melody all together, he wanted to listen to him all day, all night really. "I mean, no I don't but, I honestly think you're just overreacting, they have taken good care of me before on multiple occasions, Madison is sick 24/7 and Thomas says he's better off with staying at the hospital. So- therefore your statement is wrong." Aaron taunged, tongue sticking out.

"First of all, that is because there are mostly doctors from different countries, and second of all- I don't even know who those two are."
George murmured, placing him upon Washington's mattress before heading towards the bedroom door- closing it behind him before locking it. "Are they a couple, or something"?

"No- Thomas has more interest in his doppelganger, Hercules, which is terrible beacause... Nevermind, we're getting off track here! You are a psycho and out of your mind if you think that I'm just going to become your kitten, or whatever just because of a few compliments and because you can carry me up the stairs.'
... "Hm, but you will, nobody is here little Burr. It's just you and me, you pratically beg Washington to pay attention to you, and he plays with you instead. That reminds me, you're very pretty beneath all that clothing, what a interesting place for a piercing, love".
Aaron let out a rather annoyed groan, pushing him away, "You sick pervert, leave me alone"!

However, George did the exact opposite of that, climbing over him, scattering kisses along his neck and down his shoulder. His hands sliding up his shirt and beneath the binder as he pulled it up and over his breasts, fondling them with a purr. Aaron released a soft quiet sound of pleasure due to this, his hips moving back, the warmth increasing between his thighs.
"Fuck, fuck you.."

Giggling, George pressed a kiss at his lips before moving down to beneath his pants, hand sliding down his briefs to tease. "What a dirty word to come from such beautiful lips." the larger man cooed, nipping at Aaron's plump lip. "I'd like to see you use that pretty mouth on me."
Slowly, Aaron nodded, head tilting back as George pressed a finger against his entrance, sliding it in- wiggling it around within him.

God, was Burr going to be doing the exact opposite of sleeping tonight.

God, was Burr going to be doing the exact opposite of sleeping tonight

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