Event 3, Wrong Decision...

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I can't believe myself that I'm doing this insane idea. I just really can't believe it. I refused this idea from the start, but now I'm standing right on the front yard of the house where that criminal lives. I stand on the same hard ground where my buttock was landed on last night. Alright, well this is the idea. I can see a red note's paper on the front door with the same writing again, it means that the criminal isn't currently at home, and I may be able to sneak in to looking out for my silver bracelet. Yes, I think this idea is safe enough to be done, besides this is morning, the sun shines so bright, everyone is awake, it won't be hard for me to ask for a help if something happens.

I walk to the side yard of this old house, lurking in to see the condition inside of the house. No. No one's here. That criminal is indeed not home in this time. Good. I get in through the window which doesn't have any glass on it anymore. After I get inside of the house, I start to look out for it to every corner of the house. Yes, there's nothing to be worried. The sunshine gets in through the holes of this house. As a starter, I'm looking for it on every spots on this humongous living room, searching for it under the sofas, tables, and inside of the old broken cupboards. No. It still nowhere to be found. This house has two floors, I haven't checking out the second floor yet, but, I stopped when I look at its stairs that made from the wooden and it looks shaky. So, no, thank you. I'm afraid that I'll fall to the ground when I stepped on it and it collapses into dust. I'm taking a breath while leer to other spots that seems like a place to hide something precious. After take some peering looks, I see something shiny under the dark corner underneath the stairs. I walk to approach it. Yes, it's the dull bag which the criminal uses to keep all of his stolen jewelries. Alright, I'm trying to take it. When I reach my hand to take the dull bag, suddenly a skinny pale arm grasps my arms very hard, as hard as a grasp of the devil, and it makes me nearly dead by instant heart attack.

I quickly pull out my arm from it grasps. But I also pulling out the owner of that devil arms which is the criminal himself. He holds my arm tightly, his face was hidden over his hoodie. He opens it, he gives me a death glare which is makes me shivering to death. Now he's pulling back my arm, dragging me and throw down my body to the sofa.

"WHAT IN EARTH ARE YOU DOING?!" he's shouting so loud.

I could just biting my lips while closing my eyes tightly. His hoarse voice is thumping loud into my ears and it almost made my eardrum explodes. I don't dare to open my own eyes, moreover answering his question because an insane idea that I currently doing right now. The thief throws his dull bag onto the table and he slams the table with his bare hands.

"Answer me! What are you doing?! I told you for not come back to this place, and now you dare to woke me up while trying to steal what I stole?! What the hell is in that head of yours?! Answer!!!" he shouts again.

I'm covering my ears and slowly open my eyes and mouth to answer him. "I... I don't mean to steal your illegal stuffs... I just want to take my bracelet back... That it's all..."

"Bracelet?! Bracelet?! So you're taking a risk to come back to this place just for looking for your stupid bracelet, again?! I told you, that bracelet is gone! Gone! You.... Ugh! I never knew that there's a really stupid girl like you exist in this world who already threatened, stalked, and you still come to me?! Alright... Listen! Listen to this carefully! Your bracelet, your goddamn bracelet, I sold it out! You heard that?! S.O.L.D! So, I don't want you to ask me again about that thing, even woke me up from sleep like this! I could just go to sleep in the morning and noon, and you just ruined it!" explains the criminal with his spits that comes out like a mini rain from his mouth.

"Al... Alright... Alright. I... I'm sorry. But, I... I have to get that jewelry back. It's a very precious jewel for me. Please... I just want it back and I will never ever bother you anymore."

I don't know does my sentences that I just said were offended his feelings or anything else, but now it's clearly that his expression is far scarier than before. He gets his face closer to me while letting out a hard sniff from his nostril.

"Don't you heard it?! I, sold it, ALREADY!!! And I don't even care if that goddamn things is your most precious jewel or whatever! I don't care! I don't want to hear anything again! Now, shut up, and get out!" he says. He puts out his pocket knife from his trousers pocket and slices my neck skin slightly that I can feel my blood flowing out.

The criminal lets me go, I quickly run out while holding my sliced bleeding neck. I run very fast to go back home. After home, I take the first aid box with fast and treating the wound on my neck. That man, he's surely out of his mind. I know that I was wrong, but I didn't expect that he actually lying with writings on that red note's paper, he said that he isn't home just so he can goes to sleep?! And, it's not just that, he almost killed me. I really don't expect that he dares to hurts me like that.

I stroke my neck with a cotton that wetted by alcohol. I'm grunting for the wound's hardly sting pain feeling.

About my silver bracelet. That criminal said that he sold it already. Where did he sell it? Is there's any possible that he sold it to a local jewelries shop? Or maybe he sold it personally to somebody? I actually wanted to ask these kind of questions to him, but he sliced my throat before I even say it. If I just get any information from those questions, I may be able to track or buy it again for my own self. But, what can I do? I just home with bare hands and cut throat.

While in dinner time, my parents are freaking out when they see the bandage that covering my neck. I tell them that this was just an accident of my indecency. It's indeed quite difficult to ensure them, because well, this wound on my neck doesn't look like an accident at all, but finally I can make them believe on my words.

After dinner, I go straight to my bedroom and lay my body down on the bed. That was a really crazy idea, and what's crazier than it is that I just did it for real. I touch my neck which covered by bandage, this cut still stings.

What I was thinking last morning? What kind of thing that made me being so stubborn to keep going back to that criminal's nest? God still blesses me with His love that now I'm still able to breathing normally, even though I got home with something unusual. At least, I'm alive. Well, what can I do about it? The thief said it loud and clear. I'll never get my mother's gift back. Indeed, it's just a silver bracelet wrapped by white gold and pearl on its heart locket, but it costs more than anything for me. And now, it's gone. Losing this kind of thing sure causing a financial loss for some people, but for me it's not just a simple financial loss. First of all, I'll fall in deep guilty to my mother because I just lost something valuable, moreover it's a gift from her. Second, I'm sure if Mother found this problem out, she must be... Well, I've never seen her angry before, but I'm pretty sure Mother's wrath is not something that I want to see.

I stand up from my bed to close the window. Yes, I don't want my other stuffs fly off to the same house again through a beak from a black clever bird. I stand near the window's frame, looking through the window for a moment only to make sure there's no creepy man who is stalking on me under the banyan tree just like yesterday. Everything seems safe enough for tonight, besides, I will never start any insane idea to keep trying to negotiate or come back to the criminal's place. I'll just start to let my loss goes. However, what happened is happened. This isn't a story about a long ridiculous journey to taking back a thing that's not as equal for its own reward.

I'm holding the window's frame with both of my hands and close it by pulling it in. Yes, there'll be no that kind of long ridiculous journey. This is a reality, not a fairytale or a human nonsense made up story...

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