Chapter 3.

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This is chapter 3!
Hope you guys enjoy!
And yes this is in Namjoons P.O.V so be ready!🖤

Namjoons P.O.V
I was walking down the halls of the school with Suga and Kookie when suddenly Jackson, BamBam and Mark appeared out of no where.
I'm fine with BamBam and Mark but Jackson... He's just... Too much. He always clings to me and drags me to the things like parties that I don't want to go to.

"Hey!" Jackson shouts cheerfully. I just ignore him as Suga and Kookie just wave. Jackson then suddenly pouts and waves his hand in front of my face and says "Aren't you going to greet me?"

I just roll my eyes at him and pretend he's not there. I honestly can't deal with him right now. Not when I'm already in a really bad mood.

"Just shut up Jackson..." Mark says sighing, obviously catching on to my bad mood and, thank the heavens because Jackson actually shut up for once.

Mark and BamBam were talking about our first lesson and jungkook joined in but I was too busy thinking about something...

Suddenly, Jackson said "Look who's there. The nerd and his new 'friends'. They're probably only friends with him because they don't know him that well. If they knew, they would have ran from that ugly thing."

Yoongi looked at me.
"Let's just get it over with?" He suggested and I shrugged before walking over there.

As we got closer I heard them laughing and as I looked up I saw the nerd smile. First time I've seen him smile... It looked... Genuine? Real? Whatever it is. I couldn't care less.

Their laughter soon came to an end as I pushed 'Jin' into the locker, pushing extra hard to make sure his back scrapes against the locker. He looked up and his eyes suddenly spread with fear replacing all the pain. Why did I feel guilty when I saw the fear? This is the nerd we're talking about! Whatever... Let's just continue. I really don't care.

Just as I punched his stomach I felt hands pushing me away. Tch... Annoying. It was just getting to the good part as well.

"Stay away from him!" shorty shouted, glaring at me.

"Yeah! What do you think you're doing anyway!?" Horse face screamed, with an angry look.

I was going to reply when Jackson shouted "What are we doing? Giving him his daily beating! That's what we're doing!" He growled out harshly with an annoyed expression, "Who are you any way! I've never seen you two around before"

"Why would we tell you!?" Shorty spat back as Horse face nodded.

"Let's not get off track here!" I shouted gaining everyone's attention. I smirked and finally said "We don't need to waste time trying to figure out their names, they're probably gonna be in some of our classes! Come on let's go. I don't wanna be around this pathetic excuse of a human and his 'friends' any longer"

"Who are you calling pathetic!? Yourself!? Yeah not surprised since all you can do is pick on people and bring them down by bullying them just so that you can feel better about yourself! Well, I hope you feel great because You. Are. Pathetic!" Jin shouted as everyone stared at him in shock.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around to face him. I couldn't think of anything else than what he just said. What he said wasn't a lie but it still kind of... Stung...I guess. Especially hearing it from him. But why?

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