Chapter 20.

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Don't hate me! I'm soooo sorry for such a late update but I've been pretty sick and still don't feel the best but I didn't want you guys to wait too long.

I hope you all like the chapter though~

Jin's P.O.V

It's been a week since I last saw Namjoon and all I can think about the kiss and his confession.

It was my first kiss and it left a tingling sensation.

I wasn't mad though. My first taken by my first crush and bestfriend that used to be my bully.

Can you believe that?

It was probably one of the best (if not the best) day/s of my life.

He likes me! Actually, he said he loves me! I'm so happy!

The only problem is that I won't see him until after the RM concert is over. I wish I could see him earlier but I guess that's just how life is.

For some reason I also can't call or text him which means I won't hear or have any communication with him until next week or so.

It doesn't matter though because I'm happy, over the moon even.

"Hey Jin! What's up?" Jimin said walking into my room with Hoseok.

"Nothing much. Do you guys want to go to the park? We can invite the other two as well." I said smiling.

"Yeah sure. It's been a while since we last left the house anyway. I'll go ask the boys next door." Hoseok replied.

I nodded my head and he went next door while Jimin came over and sat on my bed.

"You know you have to tell us eventually right?" Jimin asked.

I was scared for a moment. What was he talking about? I mean, I've told him and Hoseok about how my dad and sister used to be towards me, that I usee to cut and even about most of my childhood.

So what is he going on about?

"Tell you eventually? Tell you about what eventually?" I asked confused.

"The night of new years eve and new years. Why did Namjoon take you outside so that he could talk in private with you? Although I do have my guesses." Jimin said excited.

"I have no clue to what you are on about. All we did was talk about some stuff. Nothing too big." I replied nochlantly.

"We were looking out the window Jin. We saw everything but we didn't hear what you two were talking about." Jimin told me.

"What?! You saw us kiss?" I shouted.

"You two kissed?" The four of them asked shocked.

Damn it! Why did I have to speak?

"N-No! No! I-I was just j-joking!" I stuttered.

"No, no you weren't! Omg! You had your first kiss and it was with Namjoon!" Hoseok squeeled hugging me.

I laughed while hugging him back.

"We knew he was gonna confess but he didn't tell us he was gonna kiss you!" Yoongi said.

"Yeah, this is news. You should have let us watch the rest of it!" Jimin shouted Jungkook and Yoongi.

"We didn't know they were going to kiss either so don't shout at us." Jungkook defended.

"Stop fighting. Let's just go to the park now. I could really use the fresh air." I said streching my arms.

"Okay, let's go then." Hoseok said nodding.

My Bully and Me? #NamjinWhere stories live. Discover now