chapter 5- LOVELY game

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I looked at my options of clothing. Humming to the song, 'She' s Not Afraid' I took off my ruined clothes and the humming turned to singing.

"She's not afraid of all the attention!"

"She's not afraid of runnin wild!"

"How come she's so afraid of-"


I smiled and took out an old pair of shorts with a hole in the left leg and I put on a small white t-shirt and then I put on a teal 'Holister' hoodie. I picked up my spaghetti-covered clothes and threw them in the hamper. I open my door and heard laughing.

"What's so funny?" I ask as I walk down the spiral stair case. Zayn yells from outside,

"Vas happenin?" I roll my eyes with a smile on my face and notice everyone has adjusted quite nicely. Niall was sitting criss-cross-apple sauce close to the TV with a derby game playing. Liam was on the couch with his grey jacket collar up and his head slouching as he stares at his iPhone screen looking at his Twitter account. The Harry and Louis were playing with my dolls. Louis said, trying to mimick me but failing,

"OMG! one direction is like sooooooo hot!" Harry said trying to sound husky,

"you know we are-" I interrupted their play date as I took the dolls from their hands.

"HEY!" I put the dolls on the first step on the stairs and turned to them and stuck my tongue out, making them laugh. Then Zayn comes back from outside and says,

"I'm bored"

"same." says Liam as he turns of his phone and puts it in his pocket. thinking, I adjust my glasses and say,

"heard of ghost in the grave yard?" they look at me confused.

"it's a have to stay perfectly still as someone watches you-" Liam interrupts me and says,

"sorta sounds like stalking" the others laugh and I sigh,

"haha...for that Payney...your gonna be the watcher" he fake groans and I smirk. Let the games begin (hehe...hunger games reference)


I started to lay on the couch on my stomach as I took off my glasses and hid them under the couch.

" can breath, sneeze and couch." Niall started to get into a pose and said,

"does passing gas count?" everyone laughs and I say,

"no...but if it stinks your out Niall"

"fair enough" then Liam started to slowly count to 30. I couldn't help but laugh at the boys. Louis was right behind Liam with spoons in his hands and he as posed to try and hug Liam. Harry was laying on his side on the counter and was showing a kissey face. Niall had his butt against the wall in twerking position and had a wink on his face. And then Zayn was laying face first on the floor and had a pillow covering his face and had his arms sprawled out.

"20...21...22...." said Liam as he starts to turn around with his eyes closed. I put my hood over my head and laid down.

"28...29...30!" Then Liam turned around- the scream he made...I will never, in my life forget it. After that, I zoned out and started to think.

how did this happen-

my arm was starting to fall asleep. I moved it just an inch then someone took off my hood and said,

"your out-uh..."

oh right lol...they don't know my name yet.

I say to Liam as I sit up,


"your out Audrey" says Louis as he throw a pillow at my face. I stand up and stretch while getting my glasses and putting them on,

"did I wiiiiiiinn?"

"close...your second place" says Harry as he points to Zayns still body. I walk to him and crouch. I remove the pillow and laugh, he fell asleep.

"Hey Audrey...I have an idea" says Liam with a devilish grin. OHHHH! not-so Daddy Directioner!! I smile back,

"I'm listening." he points to Zayn,

"Kiss Zayns cheek!" I blush a bright pink,

"WHAT?!?! NO WAY!"

"please-" says Louis and Harry,

"why?!?" I ask as I look at them with shyness,

"it will be so hilarious! his face will be priceless too! come on!" I groan aggravated.

"fine...but your singing at my funeral" I joke making them laugh. I take a deep breath and lean to Zayns cheek. Then I give him a kiss. He wakes up instantly,

"what the-get away!" Says Zayn as he sits up and pushes me away.

"what is wrong with you?!?" He wipes his cheek and the others laugh their butts off. I'm speechless. I know Zayn gets mad when someone wakes him, but this is different.

"I-I-I...." I say trying not to cry,

"AW SICK!" Says Zayn as he still rubs his cheek. I get up and run up the stairs with my dolls and run into my room and slamming my door. I forget to lock it as I have a rage overload. I throw the dolls at the wall and tear off my posters, showing the yellow paint underneath. I throw the posters away and start to cry. Even through my hard life, I never cried, but now all my tears I never used started to pour out. I got on my bed (which is in a corner of my room) and sat in a corner, hugging my legs and I bury my face in my knees. after awhile, I heard my door open.

"Audrey..." it was Zayn.





<3 1D





[{( A/N- I hope you guys like the long chapter!! cause I do!!! Bye bye )}]

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