chapter 16- two surprises, one good, one bad

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I fall onto the couch in fit of laughter. Then Louis falls onto me and I wheeze,

"" he does as the others laugh.

"Lou...lay off the carrots!"  yells Harry as he takes some carrots and eats one.

"NOOOOO!" screams Louis and attacks Harry trying to get his food.

"what do you wanna do?" Asks Niall as he lays on the floor,

"well..." Zayn interrupts me,

"Simon called-"

"SI!" yells Louis making me jump in surprise.

"yeah...anyway, he said he'll be over here soon with big news and to see you with your song Aud." nodding, I put in a movie.

"aren't you excited?" Asks Liam as he sits next to me, I shrug and adjust my glasses.

"yeah...but what If he hates it?" Harry rests my hand on shoulder and I turn to him, and I laugh, he had carrots up his nose.

"your gonna do great!" he says and Louis takes the two carrots.

"MINE!" he yells and eats them both,

"ewww!" I scream and every one goes into a fit of laughter. A knock comes from the door and Zayn answers it, and out pops Pierre.

"ZAYNY BEAR!" oh barf me. They both hug and she kisses him, a long slow one, making me look at them. I notice Pierre glare at me for just a moment then pull away from Zayn. I turn my head and see that 'Toy Story' is playing. Liam squeals and sits close to the TV. I just love it when he acts like a kid instead of the dad.

"so Zayn...I heard that Simon has big news! So I came back.."  I roll my eyes and watch the movie, and wait for Simon to come.


After about an hour of the movie, I hear another knock. The person on the other end yells,

"it's Simon!" Harry gets up off the floor and goes to open it. I hold the paper in my hand tightly.

this is it...

Simon walks in, wearing a suit with a red tie. Louis whistles and Simon rolls his eyes. I giggle and get up.

"hi Simon..." he nods and smiles comfortingly. handing him the sheet, he takes it and reads. Slowly, a big smiles appears on his face.

"I like it..." he says and I feel like fangirling so badly.

"I think your ready to be with me...congrats...your gonna be famous!" I smile wide and rest my hand on the wall for support and everyone claps for me. Niall interrupts my moment by saying,

"wait! what's the big news?" Simon suddenly frowns.

"well...we have a big gig...and um." he rubs his neck.

"it's on the other side of the world." everything...everything I knew, just went away right there. Their all leaving?

Zayn is leaving...everyone, my friends.

Simon continues to say,

"we're leaving in 2 days..." I look at Zayn and he looks at me. Then Simon says,

"and Audrey-" He takes out a slip of paper with an address on it and I take it,

"this is for next week on Tuesday and make a new song to sing, along with this one." he then leaves and I stand there on the spot totally shocked. After awhile, Zayn touches my shoulder,

"we need to talk..." I look at him and his brown eyes stare into mine. I nod and I lead him to my room and lock the door.

"Its us" he says and I look at him,

"w-what do you mean?"

"you and Pierre...we're a thing." I nod listening and I sit on my bed as he still stands,

"so? what about it Zayn?" He takes in a slow breath and looks down. When he looks back up at me, he has tears rolling down his face,

"I have to stop being with you...I have to be with Pierre...cause I'm starting to love her. I'm over you-I'm sorry..." he then runs out of my room and slams the door. I'm left in my room staring at the wall.

he...he's over me?

"he doesn't love me" I say to myself quietly and start cry into my pillow and hug it.

"Zayn...Zayn isn't in love with me anymore!" I say again to myself as I lay down and keep crying, until I fell asleep.





<3 1D






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