chapter 12- Is this real

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I look at her full of fear. I take a deep breath,

"s-sure Pierre..." she smiles and says,

"are you and Zayn....close friends?" I nod quickly,

"yeah! we've been friends ever since 'saved' him." her kind face twists into a snarl,

"well I don't like how close you are to him...I think your starting to like him." I respond quickly,

"NONONONO! I don't even like him! he's....NOT my type!" She grins,

"Oh...then what is your type?" you could practically feel the tension in the room.

"uh...I dunno...tall...I guess." she nods,

"well...I guess I'll go." she opens the doors and leaves. I breath a sigh of relief. I lay on my bed and cover myself up.


I got up after awhile and I was about to take the flash light back down when the power comes back. I hear every one cheering and I run down the stairs. I see that everyone was taking pictures and sending them. I take out my phone and slouch on the couch. every one basically ignore me. I start to put my phone away when I see the date, my dad's birthday, my phone fumbles out of my hands hitting the floor. Everyone turns to me,

"you ok Audrey?" Asks Liam as he picks up my now cracked phone. I nod yeah as I sniffle back tears. Louis sits next to me and gives me a Boo-Bear hug.

"what's wrong?" He says, I sniffle again,

"it's my dad...I-Its his birthday today." he lets go of me and the others gather around, but Pierre stays in the kitchen, eating the -now cold- macaroni and cheese. Harry says with a confused look,

"what's bad about that?" how can I say it?? I lie,

"he's...uh...d-dead..."  they all engulf me in a hug and I feel SoMeONe rub my back, probably Niall. After awhile they pull away and Liam says,

"well we're going to the town to see some fans..." they all get their coats and Pierre follows. I stop Zayn, feeling I should tell him the truth. he looked at me,

"what are you doing Audrey?"

" dad...he-...he isn't dead..." I sat on the couch and Louis yelled,

"come on Zayn!"

"Hold on!" he yelled back. He looked back at me,

"then where is he?" I took a shaky breath,

"he's in the insane asylum"





<3 1D





[{( A/N- sorry it's so short guys! please follow me cause I follow back and read my stories! )}]

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