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Admin: Guuuyysss~~ We got another dare~ *evil snicker*

America: *nervous gulp* For who...?

Admin: *France rape face* You, France, and Eyebrows~~

England: I told you not to call me that!!

France: Ohonononon~~ *takes the note and reads it* 

I dare France to show England and America some UsUk hardcore yaoi! And they can not hit France at all. Or close their eyes :3


England: 0-0

America: 0-0

France: Lucky for you, I have quite ze selection~~ *runs off and comes back with a box of books*

America; W-Why do you have these....?

France:....Educational reasons 

America: Dude.... o-0

England: Oh, would you look at the time, I have a thing to go to at that place in that town *walks away*

America: *tackles him* If I have to do this, so do you!

France: *hands each of them a R18 book*

America: *reading it* 0////-////0 T-This never happened!

England: *reading it* >////-////< *nosebleeds* Yes it did....

Admin: *fangirls*

France: *fangirls*

World: *fangirls* 

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