A Very Special Chapter

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Admin: Alright guys. As some of you may know, I'm not exactly the happy person I make myself out to be. I'm depressed and sometimes suicidal. I've spent my while life being bullied not just by the "friends" I thought I had, but, by my own family as well (basically, I've been bullied 16 years straight). I've always been everyone's last choice....Except when it came to choosing someone to make fun of. That, I was always the fort choice for. So, when I saw this question, I had to do it right away. Instead of waiting a while like I normally do....So....Here we go *reads the note*

To punk Iggy....How did you get past bullies and depressing stuff? I watch a lot of violence and stuff....But, that really doesn't help....


Punk!England: Well, poppet, this is one question that varies depending on who you ask......Meaning, there are many many answers....But, admin and I are going to give you ours. I'll do the depression part, and she'll do the bullying part. Ok? So, let's begin. As for the violence....That won't help you AT ALL. In fact, it'll just make you worse....It'll build up all this rage and emotions inside of you and you won't even realize it until it's too late...And you snap. Now, as how I dealt with depression....Well, I found stuff I love to do. Unlike admin, who draws, writes, and roleplays....I play the electric guitar, write music, and even just go for long walks. The one thing you want to avoid doing is sitting in the house and feeling sorry for yourself. It doesn't help. Not in the slightest bit. It just makes things worse....So....Find something that makes you happy and stick to it~ *hugs* o-oh bloody hell I can't believe I just hugged someone..... *runs away* Admin's turn!!

Admin: *sigh* On to the bullying part....Now, I'm going to tell you a quick story before I give you the do's and don't's of dealing with bullies....I have been a bully victim since my first day of school. I'm overweight....different....intelligent....and have heard far worse than that over the years. Whenever one bully would stop, another would start. I even moved, yet, the bullying continued until it got worse...I almost killed myself because of it. Now...Do you believe that I know what I'm saying? Good...So....Here is a list of things to do and things not to do....based on my own experiences....


1) Say ANYTHING insulting back

Once, this girl called me a "wannabe slut" and....I said, "if I wanted to be a slut, I'd just be like you"....bad mistake *sigh* ever since then, people though /I/ was the bully and was on her side! She had bullied me for years before that, and, since I made that one comment back, people hated me....

2) Tell an Adult

Now, I know this is what people have been saying since, like, elementary school....But, it's just a waist of time. Yeah, the bully might get suspended....Bit that doesn't do sh*t. All it does is give you a three, maybe four day break from them....


1) Ignore

Ignoring actually does help. Bullies feed off of your misery, and, if they see that they don't effect you, they get bored and walk away

2) Make it a joke

Remember slut girl up there^^....Well, a few months later, she called me a cow. I mean, this chic had the whole class against me! Throwing lettuce at me to "fatten me up even more for sales" making cow noises....It was horrible and I had to go home because I was so upset...when I was home...I sort of had what i thought was a genius. The next day....I came into school dressed in black in white, and fallowed her around making cow noises and saying things like "moo moo mother f**ker" XDXDXD The b*tch went home and told the dean...Who, when he heard my side of the story, laughed and sent me back to class. The girl left me alone and moved away.....but....she recently moved back and I'm sort of living in fear, even though we have no classes together....

Look, what I'm trying to say is that the traditional stuff that people say you should do like "tell an adult" don't work...and you should find your own unique way of handling things...Except, no violence, that doesn't work....

I personally could give you a whole book just on my experiences with this kind of stuff, but, nobody would read that....But, sweetie, if you ever need to talk, don't be afraid to private message me, ok? I love to help....

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