D: Why Gilbird, Whyyyyyy?

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Admin: Heh, this is a lot~~ *reads the note*

Fratello Roma! What is your involvement in the mafia? kiss Spain

Spain: Hola! can i have curros? when Roma kisses me, i have to take him into the "special" closet. have fun!

Admin-San or Hungary-San, get pics of Spain and roma for me?

Also, Prussia, do you love Canada? And gilbird has been having an affair with pierre. Just thought you should know!


Roma; Well....Let's just say im-a pretty high up their in the mafia....Spain, you can have your churro....but, I ain't-a kissing you!

Spain: Aw~ Roma~ You're so mean to boss man~~ *kisses him anyway*

France: *shoves them in the "special" closet and hides the key* ohonononon~~

Admin: *had set up cameras in the closet*

Prussia: *looking down* Vell um....C-Canada is really cute and all, b-but I don't zhink zhat he'd ever like a guy like me-Vait....GILBIRD IS HAVING AN AFFAIR WITH THAT SLUTTY FRENCH BIRD?! ;-; HOW COULD YOU!?

Gilbird: *chirps*

Prussia: *runs away crying*

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