Tons of Dares

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Admin: W-Woah, this person sent in a lot all at once 

Norway: Really? Let me see *reads* 

America: I dare you to break up with your love and see how he/she will react, and you have to go 1 week before you can go back to them.

France: I dare you and Spain to go and jump off of Big Ben.

Germany: I dare you to tell Italy you love him!

Denmark: I dare you to not drink for entire week!


Admin: *evil glare* Let's get to work~~

*At America's house*

America: I-I'm really not comfortable doing this....

Admin: Just do it! *shoves him towards Iggy*

America:........ *sighs* Arthur....?

England: Hm? *reading*

America: I need to tell you something....

England: Oh? What is it?

America:........I.........I'm breaking up with you........


America: Iggy?

England: *eyes turn a blueish pink*

America: o-0 I-Iggy?

England: *hair turns strawberry blonde*

America; O-Oh god....No!!!! I take it back! I take it back! 

England: Would you like a cupcake....poppet~? *Oliver then proceeds to kill Alfred*

( And now onto France and Spain~ )

Spain: Is this safe?

France: N-Non....

Admin: Adios amigos.... *shoves them off of Big Ben*

France: *screaming an: ohononononon*

Spain: *screaming in Spanish in an HIGH PITCHED girls voice* 

*they land safely in the water~*

France: Zhat was terrifying....

Spain: Si....

France: Spain?

Spain: Si?

France: I think i wet my pants....

( And now for Germany~ )

Germany: *blushes when I tell him the dare* J-Ja....I will do it....

Admin: *squeals*

Germany: *sighs and walks up to Italy* Italy?

Italy: Veh~~ What is it~?

Germany: I have somezhing zhat i need to tell you....

Italy: Si, captain~? *hugs his stomach*

Germany: I....I love you....Ich Libe DIch....

Italy: R-Really?! *Smiles* 

Germany: Ja....

Italy: Veh~! I love you too-a~! Ti Amo~!

Germany:........ *smiles and kisses his forehead* 

( And finally, Denmark~ ) 

Admin: It's for your own good! *locks Denmark in a room with no beer*

Denmark: This isn't fair! I'm totally going to sue somebody once I get out!

*A few short moments later~*

Dear Diary....I don't know how long it's been, but, I'm beginning to crack. Beer is like a drug to me. And I'm going through withdrawal....So, diary, i guess this is goodbye. As i sit here, writing to you, i slowly rock back and forth....counting the moments until i crack and bust out of here....

Norway: The idiot knows it's only been ten minutes....right?

Iceland: Probably not....

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