Twerk it Out

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Admin: *reads the dare*

I dare Seborga to babysit the rest of the micronations for a whole two hours AND they have to stay at Molossia's house wether he liked it or not! Also, i dare Japan to twerk!


Seborga: *sparkling while talking* Honestly, I have no problem babysitting the rest of the micronations... except sealand....I sorta kinda hafta tie him down to a chair. Otherwise, he'll set the house on fire....

Sealand: *calls from the livingroom* Too late! *the whole house is up in flames*

Seborga: *freaking out* oh crap! oh crap! what do I do!?

Sealand: *gasps* what's that up into the sky? Is it a bird?

Wy: No, its a plane!

Seborga: No, its twerk man! :D

Japan: *jumps out of a tree wearing a skin tight, blue suit with a yellow cape and a big but symbol on the front of it* No need to fear, twerk man is here! *puts the flames out with his awesome twerking powers*

Seborga: Thanks twerk man!

Sealand: Gee wiz sir, you saved the day!

Molassia: *comes home* Hey, I'm back from- WHO SET FIRE TO MY HOUSE!?

Sealand: *gasps and hides behind twerk man*

Japan: There there young one, I'll protect you~ =^=

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