Would You Cry?

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Admin: awwwww.... *reads the note*

Ok, Germany, would you cry if your elder brother died in your arms? The all mighty awesome Prussia, i want you and Germany to be together for a whole week! And Italy. you can not interfere! France and Britian, FRUK yaoi please! Also, Russia, i am so sorry to say this (not)....But, i dare you to spend a whole month with Belarus


Germany: Ja, actually, I vould cry....He is mein big bruder, after all....

Prussia: Aw, West~! *tackle hugs him*

Italy: *rocking back and forth in the corner* I can't interfere....I can't interfere....I can't interfere....I can't interfere....

France: As for the yaoi-

Britain: No!

France: Why not?

Britain: Because-

France: *kisses him anyway*

Britain: *punches him* GIT!!!!

Russia: And I am not spending a month with my sister....

Belarus: Too bad~~ *drags him to the bottom most pits of hell*

Russia: *screaming like a girl*

{One Month Later}

America: Uh...Dude, you ok?

Russia: *playing the harmonica* Yeah....I'm ok....Just a lost boy in a broken world....

America: Dude....what da faq?

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