Heaven and Hell

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Admin: *giggles* I love this dare~~ *reads it*

Ancient Rome, please sing the hell/heaven song!!


*a guitar starts playing, and Grandpa Rome appears out of nowhere*

Ancient Rome: Why, of course~~ *clears his throat*

Listen now as I tell what Heaven would be~~

All the cooks would be the French~~

The policeman would all be British obviously~

Engineers would be German~

The bankers would be from Switzerland~

And of course your lover would naturally be Italian~


Fangirls: *screaming and crying over Grandpa Rome. Some even faint. One screams, "Rape me so that I can have your babies you delicious piece of pasta!!"*

Ancient Rome: Listen as I tell you what Hell would be~

To begin with all the cooks would be British~

The police would all be German~

And the engineering would fall to the French~

Your lover would unfortunately be Swiss~

And all bankers would be from~


Thank-a you~! *bows and vanishes*

Fangirls: I WANT TO BE WITH YOU ;-;

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