Chapter 2

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"I don't have time for this" he said before speeding off and in a blink of a eye he was behind me with the knife I was holding. I was so shock I grab Venice closer to me hiding her face in my chest.

"What the f..." An before I could finish, he interjected.

"Now are we going to handle this the hard way or the easy way?"

"What are you? Where are we?" I asked more nervous than I could ever been but I allow it to show because maybe he will see we are afraid and let us go, still holding my stare on him as he walk back over to the other occupants. This time I tried not to blink because I didn't want anything else to happen that would hurt me or Venice.

"Let's have a seat because we don't have much time" and he pointed to the couch.

I didn't know what to do I was unharmed and afraid so I guess it was best if I obey what he said an maybe no harm won't come to neither me nor my sister. I hold onto Venice hand who was looking at one of the boys and started off towards the seats to sit.

"Okay I'll talk and you both listen till I'm finish you can ask questions and please in God sake don't scream its annoying!" He instructed while standing in front of us.

I could see the other three sitting down at the counter drinking coffee and looking at us so I nodded "okay"

"I'm Dennis and this is my family" pointing to them he introduced each one, pointing to the lady first "this is my lovely wife Katherine" pointing to the eldest boy "this is my son Shaquan" and pointing to the last person which seems to be to youngest before looking back at us "and my other son Zedane. Umm..well we are vampires and we won't hurt you okay, you are in the middle of the forest far from civilization" and I could feel Venice shift closer to me as he continued "You were brought here tonight because we needed to rebuild our army to face the war that's coming"

I tried to speak but no words came out so I swallow trying not to freak out "A-and what do we have to do with this? I mean we are humans we are fragile" trying to convince them to let us go because we are helpless. I always knew that vampire exist but I never knew that I would have met one.

"We know that's why we have to turn you and your sister" he said in a low voice but I could still hear what he said.

"What do you mean you have to turn us?" I ask vaguely.

"Into vampires, that's the only way you can know your gifts"

"What the sh*t! I'm not turning one of you guys, that's disgusting I want to go home" I said as I hold my head to the ground and holding Venice closer with my arms around her shoulder.

"You have two days to think this over and you better hurry because you know what we feed on" giving me a small smirk.

"Two days? I'm not staying here until two days I have a life you know" I shouted with a angry look. Actually I didn't have a life I was a waitress at a diner and all I do was work then come home and sleep to repeat the cycle the next day only on a Friday night my sister and I would go to the club together. I didn't even date because I didn't have any time to do that and my sister would go to school and back but this was her last year so she was planning to get a job an help me out with some of the bills. We didn't keep any friends because they all pity us when they ask about our parents and we tell them they died. If it was one thing my sister and I had in common was that we hate when people take pity on us, and our family that we had left didn't really care about us until the family reunion that keeps every two year in December but still we didn't wanted to be any vampires.

"We see potential in you girls and if you're so brave as mortals then I know I would be please when I turn you in immortals"

I didn't answer I jus looked at my sister who looked like she was enjoying this

"We think we need to lay down we are exhausted, where do we sleep? On the floor?" My sister asked with a blank face.

"Shaquan will show you to your rooms. I hope you rethink your decision" He said walking back to his wife.

A tall brown eye male who was introduced before appear in front of us "follow me" he mumbled heading towards the same entrance we visit a bit earlier.

Holding onto Venice i got up and started to trail behind him. I was dumbfound, still can't believe we are captured by vampires. Not only that but they wanted to turn us in one of them, ew! Disgusting! I had to find a way out of here tonight there is no way I will allow them to turn me without a fight. I wasn't born to turn in a vampire I thought to myself. Why us? Why can't we grow up, graduate from college, get a job, fall in love with a prince charming and live happily ever after like normal human beings?

"This is your room and across from it is your sister's" a baritone voice hits my eardrum bringing me back to present situation. "Hope you girls like it if not you can redecorate when it becomes your permanent rooms. If there's anything you need just call out we have good hearing" He said in a stern voice holding the door open.

Before i could open my mouth Venice run into the room admiration clear in her eyes. She was so content with everything happening if i didn't know any better i would say she wanted to change into one of them. "That's okay we'll stay in the same room for the night"

"Wow! Its beautiful who decorated it? It look so natural, I love it" I heard Ven blurted out as Shaquan was about to walk off.

"Zedane, he always love decorating"
He reply before trailing off again after saying goodnight.

I walked in and close the door behind me with the lock. It was then I realized the beauty of the room. A big queen size bed situated in the middle of the room with a picture frame of a forest hang overhead on the wall. The walls were painted in a dark green which gave the exact colour as a marijuana plant. The flooring was tile with wood stripings which reflect the lights from the chandelier that hang in the sealing. It was surely beautiful

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There are some grammatical errors so please see with me😞😞

IG: Cherriane_martin

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