Chapter 8

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I stepped into the dining room freezing at the door and everyone turned their attention towards me.

"Um..good morning"  I said blankly and headed to the empty seat beside my sister.

I took my seat and glanced at Shaquan that was still lifting porridge to his mouth while smiling at me. I rolled my eyes at him and start to devour the creamy, slightly thick fluid. The cinnamon and vanilla as spices playing on my taste bud and I enjoyed every ounce. It's been so long I've ate a bowl of cornmeal porridge. I almost forgot how good it tasted.

"Who turned you?" Dennis broke the silence.

I looked at Shaquan once more then turn to Dennis so I could answer but I didn't got the chance to.

"Why did you do a stupid think like that for? It was my job to turn her not you!" Dennis shouted turning his attention to his son and slam his hand on the table leaving a dent.

I jumped from his sudden action and kept my mouth shut.

"I didn't want to, but she said she wanted me to do it, i don't know dad but maybe she was afraid of you" Shaquan grimaced.

"I don't care! You don't have the right to turn any of my hostages!" He bellowed.

I wanted to say something but was too afraid to. The tension in the room was too heavy. My sister held onto my arm giving me a reassuring squeeze and Ryan just kept on drinking his porridge. Katherine sitting nonchalantly with each hands resting beside either side of her bowl.

Shaquan didn't say anything more so I thought it was my time to speak up.

"I'm sorry I let Shaquan turned me but I felt as if I waited any longer I wouldn't have done it, plus, I thought you said there wasn't much time so what's the big deal?" I grimaced sounding a little out of line.

"Baby calm down, she's still on our side and you still setting the rules so she has to follow either way, so relax" Katherine said laying an hand on his shoulder giving it a little squeeze.

He looked into his wife eyes and love and adoration were clear in them. He exhale a shriek of breathe and you could see that he has calm down.
"You are now link to him"

"Huh! What do you mean?" I asked totally confuse.

"You are link to him. You don't follow my orders but his. You are under his control. It's called a sire bond" he said nonchalant.

"What? So if this jerk said to jump, I ask how high and do it?" I questioned, still confused.

"Pretty much" Shaquan interjected giving me one of his smirks.

Chuckling, Dennis continued " No. But when he gives an order you will feel the urge to do it. And that's why I should have turned you because I'm your leader"

"Oh God" I whispered resting my face in my hand.

"Don't worry I'm your leader so not because he sire you means you following his rules" I heard Dennis said reassuring me.

"Come on it's training time. Now listen up! Your mother and I are going out to have a little chat with some witches from New Orleans so we'll be back by dinner time. Ryan, continue training with Venice and you" pointing to Shaquan "since you're her sire, train Anna, make sure she find out her gift and help her to control her thirst. Full 8 hours training non stop, we don't have time to waste. See you all at 6" Dennis instructed before getting up to go to the sink with his plate.

"I guess it's going to be a long, stressful day" I said under my breathe.

"Why isn't anyone moving? It's 7:30" Dennis said through clenched teeth.

Everyone got up and shuffle to the sink to put away their plates and went out.

It's my first time stepping out of the house. All I could see were trees and a single pathway. "Damn, how far away are we from the city?"

"18,521km away" Shaquan answered.

"What!? After I was intending to run away" I said in a sad tone.

"Ha ha ha! Lets go" Shaquan fake laughed before walking off.

Ryan and Venice has already started their journey and were way a head of us.

"Could you please walk up. For God sake you're a vampire, you can walk thrice as fast" the annoying voice said looking back.

"Sorry king highness" I said crossing my ankles and bending my knees like a princess while lifting my hand as if I was holding a dress.

I ran towards him and was dumbfound to how fast I reached. I missed my balance trying to slow down but he brought forth his hand around my waist and I was thankful for the kind gesture.

"Wow! That's cool" I said shrieking.

"C'mon, lets try that again, this time follow me and when you're about to stop turn your left foot horizontal with your ankle pointing forward" he said demonstrating what I must do. "That will allow you to keep your balance"

I nod my head "okay, I'm ready"

He sped off and I followed suit.

I ran pass trees seeing Shaquan gazing back every five seconds. The morning breeze brushing against my face, birds chirping, the sun penetrating through the trees and the sound of dry leaves crushing beneath my feet. It was a beautiful morning.

I realized Shaquan has stop in an open lot and I prepared myself to slow down without loosing balance again.

"Yes I did it!" I celebrate when I came to a sudden halt.

"Now that you master running, on to your thirst control"

"How I'm I going to do that? Am I going to..." I tried to finish but was cut off by my senses.

I sense blood and my eyes quickly travel to a Thompson gazelle that had a cut on his side. I lick my lips and speed off. The animal saw me and started to run but I was faster. I grab the specie by the side and sank my fangs in it's neck draining it's blood. I had no control. The more I drink the more I wanted, moulding my head deeper and deeper so I could get more blood by then the animal stop shrugging.

"Anna!" I heard Shaquan called out and I felt a hand pulled me away from the animal.

What the hell just happen?👀

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