XVII. Believe

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The world is a big place
And we get lost in it
But amidst all the darkness
You'll see yourself glowing

When everything is wrong
Believing is the only thing that's right
So don't give up
Dream, because then you'll move forward

Amidst the withering flowers,
You'll be the only one blooming
Among these masks people are wearing
Don't you want to be the only one who's true?

When you get lost in a maze,
Don't lose hope
You'll find your way out
And it will be way better than you expected

When everything fades away,
Hold onto the tiny bit of hope you have
And although you lost everything,
They will be replaced by something much greater

All the wounds you get while walking,
They will heal when you reach the finish line
Just when you thought the path is endless,
There you will catch a glimpse of the sun rising

When your dream looks so far,
Don't stop walking towards it
And when the stars look so out of reach,
Believe that you will become one someday


Inspired by SUGA's So Far Away ft. Suran.

Also, thanks to a friend, Ate Carlei, who helped me with the title.

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